Making Amends With Mary

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Bart: I need to apologise to mary, Do You Have Cletus' Phone Number?

Me: Yeah.

*Bart Calls Cletus*

Cletus: Simpson-youngin this better be good.

Bart: I Have decided to come and Apologise to your daughter for what i did to her.

Cletus: Fine, But She Ain't'a datin' ya again under my supervision and my orders, Cuz'uh What you di' to her?

Bart: Understood, And Actually Sir, I don't disrespect you but if She wants to date me again or not, It is Up to her.

Cletus: You are darn' righ' See youse at the Hospitin'!

*At the Hospital, In the Evening, Cletus, Brandine, and All Of the other kids were waiting for Bart, Bart went in the room while some of Cletus' Children Blocked the door, I just hoped he knows what he is doing*

*Bart walked slowly to Mary Resting where she lays, Bart slowing down for two reasons... he now knows how severely and how hard he hit her nose with the frying pan, causing her nose to still show a purplish color... and two, there is no telling what would happen next, but Bart did not fear, he slowly Hovered his hand over Mary's, and started to sob*

Bart: Hey Mary, I know it's been awhile, but I wanted to say that I'm sorry... everything I ever did to you, the cow gift, you going away because of me, me not paying attention to you, the breakup with that Brazilian boy, and even you beating me up, when I should not have finished it off with a hard hit to the nose with a frying pan... if you don't want to accept my apology, that's okay; I don't blame you, I would kill myself 10 times a day, everyday, because of what I did to you... I am a bad boyfriend, Maybe the worst one anyone should have... I don't deserve you, and I don't deserve anyone's heart, and I mean anyone, if punishment is what you want to give to me, I don't mind, I deserve a Smash in the face with a Guitar... but here I am, unflinched, Not scared, Brave, and not leaving... and saying, I'm Sorry... *Rests his head on the bed, His hand on hers, Unheld*

*20 Minutes Later*

*Bart was sobbing on Mary's Body over the Blanket; But Suddenly, There was movement from Mary's Hand, she moved her fingers like she was holding Bart's hand, Bart just realizing this looked up slowly, to see Mary flickering her eyes slowly as she opens them, but wasn't too satisfied*

Bart: I know what you're gonna say, I shouldn't even be here, I shouldn't even be alive.

Mary: okay, you're right about the first part, but you not being alive?? That's a little too much.

Bart: No, it's the right amount of "much." Your dad made me apologize to you, but I didn't care I just done least my apology Straight From the Heart... but judging by what I've done to you I know you don't want to date me again.

Mary: Mmhmm... but just so you know Bart it's not too late to change, and just, because you done something horrible to land me in the hospital, doesn't mean I never want to date you again.

Bart: Well, to me it feels like it does.

Mary: Well... Maybe this will fix it. *Kisses his cheek*

Bart: Mary... *Sobs* I can't... I just can't get back together, every time I get back together with you I ended up doing something rather than spending time with you, or do something wrong! *Barges Out Crying*


*A Week and A Half Later, Mary got her release from the hospital, she has to make her first stop which is at The Simpsons residence, she hasn't seen Bart in a week, time to make things right, She knocks on his Door; Sees Bart not in his regular clothing but a black hoodie and dark jeans, looks like he hasn't slept nor eaten, instead his eyes were baggy with a stink eye look on his face*

Mary: what has happened to you??

*Bart seeing he had no other choice he let her in got something from underneath his bed, a box of old photos of the girls he used to date, it's time the truth came out, when she saw the photos, she was shocked*

Bart: These are some of the girls that I used to date and failed to keep the relationship going... it's not just you I have conflicts with... it's all of these girls, and I'm afraid that if we get back together again then history is just going to repeat itself, and I will keep having bad experience with love, I also love all these girls as much as I love you... but I can't break their hearts just for you or break your heart just for them... *Sobs* until I can get an answer, I just want to keep the distance... as a lesson that what I did to you has consequences.

Mary: Hmmm... *Mary exits Bart's Room, In thought, there must be something she could do*


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