Chapter Twenty Four

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February 21th 2015
Dear diary,
Well where do I begin. The basketball team won states. It was so amazing. Everyone rushed out onto the court and confetti was all over. Dylan, being the amazing boyfriend he is, came over and kissed me. I was floating on cloud 9. Everyone celebrated afterwords. Dylan and I went to the party a little bit later than everyone else...
My dad hasn't called yet. I'll call him later again but I have a feeling he won't answer. It's killing me to have him pull away like this. We've always had an okay relationship. I'd visit him as much as I could with our busy schedules. But this is ridiculous. I've called him so many times and so have my friends and his friends but it's like he has dropped off the face of the earth! If he doesn't want to communicate then fine! I'm done caring. I have Rob now.
Speaking of which, ever since I called him dad to Jake, I've been saying it a lot. It just sort of slips. The first time I said it to his face he hugged me then started crying. I was so shocked I didn't know what to do so I hugged back.
I know he's taking mom's death hard. He tries to be brave for us but our thin walls doesn't block out his crying at night. Jake and I don't say anything because we know he'd deny it. So hopefully as the days go by it will get better. It has for me.

"Beautiful it's time to go"

"Where are we going again?" I ask grabbing my phone.

"Jake wants to surprise you. He's been working on this for a while now."

"Hmm sounds suspicious."

"It's not I promise."

Dylan leads me out of the house and into his car. We drive for a couple of minutes before pulling into an indoor swimming pool place.

"Dylan what are we doing here?" I smile.

"I told you Jake planned this."

"I don't have a bathing suit with me."

"Oh but you do" he smirks grabbing a bag from the backseat. Shaking my head a get out of the car. Dylan quickly catches up to me and holds my hand in his. Once we enter, I see all our friends already laughing and having fun in the pool. Jake, Joey, and Jess are having a splash war, while Olivia and Travis are in the corner having an intimate conversation.

"Hey guys!"

"Yes! The guest of honor is here!!"

"So why are we here?" I ask Jake approaching the edge of the pool.

"Well I thought that since your other dad is ignoring you and you haven't spoken about your other friends in a while, that we could pretend to be in Florida for a day and chill with our new friends."

"Aww Jake that's so sweet!"

"I know now go change" he smiles.

Dylan leads us to the bathrooms. I go to the girls room and freshen up.

"Rose c'mon already! All you had to do was put a bathing suit on!"

"Hold on Dylan, it's not just that! I haven't worn one in like three months!"

"You looked beautiful the other day. What's the difference now?"

"Dylan!" I say blushing.

"I'm coming in if you don't come out in the next two seconds."

"Alright alright"

Walking out, Dylan grabs me and throws me over his shoulder as soon as I open the door.

"Dylan! Put me down!!"

Both of us laughing, Dylan rushes to the pool. Before I get the chance to object, he jumps into the pool.

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