Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up in the hospital with Jess and Chris staring at me. My left leg is in a cast and I have a piercing headache.

"Rose you're awake" Jess exclaims.

"What happened?"

"Well it's a long story but to sum it up for you, Christina pushed Chris right after you were thrown up which caused him to fall into the other guys so you landed right on the floor since they weren't paying attention. Jake and Dylan rushed out and tried to help but they couldn't come to the hospital because of their coach. He wouldn't let them leave since they still had another half of the game to play so we took you here. They say you have a concussion and broke some bone in your leg. Your dad is on his way to come get you but he can't drive you home since he has to get a different flight. Which means the party is still on."

"How long until I'm healed?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask"

"Someone get the doctor then"

"I will" Chris says speaking for the first time. He walks away instantly.

"What's up with him?"

"He feels horrible about the whole situation. He thinks it's his fault. I tried to tell him it wasn't but he won't listen."

"Great" I sigh. "Are Dylan and Jake coming to the hospital?"

"Not Jake, he's going to the house to get ready. Dylan might, I don't know"

Two seconds later, my dad, Chris, Dylan, and a doctor walk in. Speaking of the devil.

"Someone called for a doctor?" The man says. I laugh a little.

"Um yeah, I was just wondering when I would heal from everything"

"Well it's depends on everyone and how well you take care of yourself. For your head I'd say two weeks, the leg 6-8 weeks. Make appointments for check ups before you leave. Here's the paperwork to fill out, hand it to the receptionist." he says handing it to Rob.

"Thank you"

"Have a good night!" The doctor says leaving. Dylan sits down on the bed with me and holds my hand while Rob takes a seat and starts filling out the paperwork.

"Well we are going to go. Text me later Rose" Jess says. She mouths I'll see you at the party, then winks before exiting.

"How are you?" Dylan asks, concern clearly in his voice.


"Well when we get back to your house you can take a nap. And when you wake up, I'll make you something to eat."

"Sounds perfect" I smile. Rob looks over at us but continues to write things down.

"Okay love birds, let's go. I got a flight to catch."

Dylan gets up and hands me a pair of crutches that the doctor must have left. We all walk to the receptionist, make the appointments, then head to the cars.

"Alright your mom and I will call when we get to the hotel in Florida. I don't have time to ask what happened."


"Drive safely"

I get into Dylan's car and buckle up. He takes my crutches and puts them in the back seat then gets in himself and drives.

"So I don't think a party is going to be the best place for you."

"No duh" I reply sarcastically with an eye roll.

"No need to be a smart alec"

"Sorry I'm not in the best mood right now. The last couple hours of my life were pretty hectic. "

He's NOT My Brotherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें