Chapter Ten

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*Monday at 9:30pm*

"You did what?!" Riley shouts through the phone.

"Yeah I told my mom I was going on the date no matter what she said and that she could ground me after my date."

"Damn girl!!!"

"Yeah then I snuck out to his house through my window."

"Jeez! You were just asking for it weren't you!?"

I laugh. "Yeah I guess"

"Tell me about the date!!"

"Okay so first he introduced me to his family. He has two younger sisters 13 and 5 and one older brother 23. His parents insisted on me calling them Debra and Mike. Then he took his car and drove me to the cutest little diner in town. We ate dinner there and talked about what we like and our favorite stuff, just getting to know each other. I told him about my parents divorce and he talked about his older brother. Then after dinner we left and he took me to an ice skating rink. Since I have never ice skated before he taught me which meant I got to hold his hand a lot and he caught me a couple of times so I wouldn't fall."


"Then he took me home and I kissed him goodnight."

"How long of a kiss?"

I smile "Well I wasn't really counting but it wasn't like a make out session. Probably a good 10-15 seconds"


"But it was all ruined when I walked into the house"

"How long are you grounded for?"

"I can't leave the house unless it's for school and I have to come home right after cheer practice."

"At least you still have your phone."

"Actually I barely am allowed to talk to you right now. They agreed I could have my calls to you guys but that's it. I give them my phone when I'm done calling you. And I have a curfew: lights out by 10:00. Oh and get this: they gave Jake back his phone since we need to be reachable at all times."


"Yeah he gets off punishment for taking that picture because I got in trouble. You know how stupid this is?!"

"Yes! That's crazy. It wasn't even a week and he got his phone back."

"Oh I know. And if you haven't checked his Twitter I would. Today Jess told me he's been non stop tweeting about all these embarrassing things I do."

"Ew why would he do that?"

"I don't even know. He's weird. And mean."

"At least you get to see people in school"

"Yeah and Dylan comes over a lot to hang out with Jake so we get to talk briefly if we are in the kitchen at the same time without my parents knowing."

"They won't let you chill with them?!"

"Nope I can only hang out with Jake if he doesn't have any friends over and if he does, I can't speak to any of them."

"That's stupid. You see them in school anyways."

"Yeah but my mom's too dumb to realize that."

"How is every one with the pregnancy?"

"Well yesterday we all had a family conversation about the baby. We are to love him/her no matter what and I have to accept the fact I will have to earn my own money if I want to go to college out of state. And if we can't sleep then to buy headphones. Oh and I quote "This baby is a blessing to our family. You both have to accept the fact I am pregnant and live with it.""

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