Chapter Sixteen

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"I haven't spoken to him in four days!" I basically shout through the phone. Jess sighs.

"We text sometimes but he always avoids the subject of, well, you"

I roll my eyes, turning over on my bed to look out the window.

"And it's not like I can see him at my house. Jake always goes over there now. It's like I don't even exist to him!"

"What does your mom think about this?"

"Well she told me that Dylan's a nice guy but if he can't accept me for who I am, then he doesn't deserve the time of day."

"She's right. You know I love him and all, I mean he's my best friend but he's being an ass. If Henry got all pissed cause I was friends with him I wouldn't be with Henry. Friends always come first."

"I just wish he would talk to me for at least a minute. But nope I get nothing."

Will walks in and jumps onto the bed.

"Who you on the phone with?"

"No one. Go away, I'm having girl talk"

"Oh so it's a girl, meaning it's Jess. Hey Jess!"

I glare while Jess laughs. Will goes to grab the phone from my hand but I quickly pull it away.

"I'm serious Will, leave!"


"Ugh fine. Jess I'll call you later"

"Okay bye!"

With that said, I hang up. Will laughs and pokes my side.

"Meanie. I wanted to talk to her about serious stuff"

"Talk to me about it"

"Well if you insist-"

"Jeez someone's eager"

"You did cut my phone call short"

"Alright alright. Tell me what's wrong."

I sigh, preparing for a long speech but stop myself.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you this, you already know!"

"Exactly so let's cut to the chase. You're mad at Dylan for being a dick and you're upset about your mom and all this chemotherapy stuff that she's going through right now."


"And you just want to forget about it all by living your life but you can't cause the way you want to live your life includes Dylan."

"Yes. But he just doesn't understand. And the more I think about it the more upset I get because he was so good to me but now, now it's like he's someone new."

"Maybe we just need to go out. Just you and me, like we used to."

"Aright let's do it."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Okay where to?"

"Let's do our movie day."

"Okay" he says getting up.

We make our way out, grabbing the keys to my moms car and leaving a note for Jake, Rob, and my dad, telling them where we are. Getting into the car, I plug into the GPS the address to the nearest target since my directions would be crappy. Once we arrive, we hop out and quickly make our way into the store.

"Okay you grab the candy, I'll grab the blanket" he says.


I find my way to the candy section and pick out our favorite: sour patch kids and ever lasting gob stoppers. Meeting Will at the cash register, he shows me a superman blanket.

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