Chapter Nine

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"You're what!?" I shout.

"How in bloody hell did that happen!? I thought you guys were done with kids! Aren't we enough?!?" Jake adds.

"Calm down you two. Your mother and I decided that since we were still young we might as well make this family complete with another child."

"When did you decide this!?" I yell.

"Lower your voice young lady. These houses are too close together and I do not want our neighbors to wake up." My mom scolds.

"Listen mother, this was probably the most stupidest idea you've ever had! How do you think this is going to affect us? It's December in our junior year, the most stressful of the four! How do expect us to handle a baby that is constantly crying in a house with paper thin walls!?"

"It takes nine months for it to be born sweetie"

"I'm not stupid! Nine months from now is September which is when we start our senior year. Which is also a very stressful year since we have to deal with colleges and stuff. Especially since I do not want to stay in state. I have a plan with my friends to go to college there, with them."

"That is going to have to change. We can't afford to send you to school across the country. Especially with this new child."

"Exactly mom. You just destroyed my chance of going to college in Florida with my friends by having this child. Meaning it wasn't a good idea!"


"No Rob, it's true! She just said that we can't afford it because of the thing. He/She is already ruining my life and it is only a ball of cells!"

Jake comes up from behind me and picks me up. I squirm in his arms trying to get him to put me down.

"And to think I actually thought that living here would be okay! You can all go die in a fu-"

"Alrighty then I'll deal with Miss FiestyPants. But just so you know I am not okay with this too. I want to sleep on it though."

"Okay son" Rob says rubbing his forehead; he does that when he's stressed. Jake carries me upstairs and tosses me onto my bed.

"Jeez Rose I know they are crazy but that was a little over the top!"

"They are taking away the one chance I have of living with my friends again!"

"Can't they come to school here?"

"That's stupid Jake! I wouldn't ask them to leave their lives just so I can be a part of theirs!"

"So then you're screwed. You can't get your way so just give up"

"Thanks big bro, for the great advice."

"I really appreciate the sarcasm."

"Yeah me too"

"Alright enough. Let's just go to bed then tomorrow, we can deal with this."

"Fine. Night"

"Goodnight." he says shutting my door. Great. There is going to be another human being in this world like him.


*Saturday Morning*

"Jess get your ass over here ASAP!"

"Okay I'm on my way!"

I hang up the phone and go downstairs for some breakfast. I decided that I am going to play the silent treatment on my mom and Rob. Until they want to tell me the real reason they are having this kid, not the bullshit reason they gave us last night, then I will talk to them.

He's NOT My BrotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon