Chapter One

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"Oh my god my this cake is delicious" I say placing my fork down.

"I know right?! I can just eat this all day!" my mom replies.

"Sweetie we all know you can" Rob, my mom's new husband laughs.

"I love you"

"I love you too" he says then kisses her.

Everyone claps. You'd think after the millionth time the crowd would stop that. But you know, weddings. Out of all the noise I hear a familiar voice suddenly in my ear. "You wanna dance?" Luke asks. 

"Sure," I smile, "anything for my man."

He offers me his hand which I gladly take. Leading me to the dance floor, a slow song begins to play."Hey babe?"


"Well tonight's our last night together as a couple and I just wanted to say I really enjoyed these last two years with you."

"I did too" I say smiling, "I'm going to miss us."

"Don't worry. If it was meant to be we will find each other one day."

"I know I just don't want this to end."

"We still have the rest of tonight."

"That's not long enough" I pout. After two amazing years I'm being forced to break up with him. Why? Because we are moving across the country. I love him and it hurts to have to move on but there's nothing we can do. I'm 16, he's 17, neither one of us owns an actual car, so how were we supposed to make this work? We couldn't so we decided to move on instead.

The song changes into an upbeat song and my best friends, Riley, Alex, and Will join us on the dance floor.

"Look at us. RAWR for life guys!" Will says pretending to fly around us as we dance. All four of us grew up together and when we were little we realized our first initials spelled RAWR. So we decided that was our super hero group name. We would dress up and go "save the day". Now it's sort of like a little joke to brighten up our moods. Will always knew when we were faking our smiles.

"Sometimes I wonder why we ever talked to you" I laugh.

"Because if you didn't, I would have told your mom" he says sticking his tongue out.

"Oh no! Not my mom!"

Suddenly, the DJ interrupts the song. Confused we all avert out attention to him. "And now for the last dance of the night. Requested by the bride herself, we would like Rose and Jake along with the bride and the groom to have a family dance."

"Mom you can't be serious" I say finding her as the crowd leaves the dance floor.

"Sweetie it's one dance, it won't kill you."

I look over to my friends who give me sympathetic looks. I smile to let the know I'll be okay. Jake may be an ass but he is family now. "I believe that's us" he says holding his hand out.

"Unfortunately yes" I reply taking it. He leads me to the center of the dance floor along with my mom and Rob. Sucking up all my pride, I place a hand on his shoulder and with the other take his hand trying to put as much distance between us. 

"Well don't you look sexy in that dress" he smirks.

"Ew that's gross. We are siblings now."

"Eh whatever"

"You're such a-"

"Ah ah ah! Smile! Don't want the cameras to catch a nasty look on your face." I look around to see that the cameras are flashing. Rolling my eyes, I quickly put on a smile to make up for the scowl I had on.

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