Chapter Seven

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"So I ran back to my room and pretended to be sleeping. Then two seconds later he ran in and jumped on me, telling me to get ready. Then we left and fought over the music by switching the stations back and forth. When we arrived I ran to you."

"He didn't even say anything to you or ask you anything about before with Dylan?"

"Nope, not one thing. It's like a win lose situation though. Like I'm glad that he hasn't asked me anything, but on the othe hand, to him I don't know he knows so it's like he doesn't care enough to ask if I'm okay."

"Maybe he is waiting until after practice. You know, so you have more time to calm down."

"Oh yeah cause that sure sounds like Jake. He's always been the type to make sure I am calm before talking to me."

"Yeah who am I kidding, he probably just doesn't want to deal with girl problems."

"Maybe if I start to cry in the car he'll ask about it"

"Rose! Don't do that! That's manipulating people."

"Eh he's the kind of guy who won't talk about his own feelings unless manipulated. Like I barely got him to tell me he- oh shit Dylan's coming."

"That reminds me, I was going to ask about that."

"Ask about what babe?" Joey says putting an arm around me which scares the shit out of me.

When did he get here? He better let go or else Christina is going to personally destroy me. I can tell by the death glare she's giving me.

"About how much I adore you." I reply.

"Oh? And what would be the answer to that?"

"Well as a very wise young woman from Teen Wolf said "If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and you, I would shoot you twice.""

"Ouch" he says backing away from me. I smirk and open Jess's car door.

"Tell Jake I'm going to Jess's house."

"Actually I was sent out here to prevent that." Dylan says approaching us. He shuts the door I just opened.

"What why?"

"Jake wants the three of us to talk."

"He wants us to talk?! About what?"

"Don't play dumb Rose."

"Since when does he know about what happened? Last time I checked I kicked you guys out before explaining what happened. And since I'm assuming either you told him or my big mouth of a mom, why does it matter to him? He's never given a crap about me before. The only times he's ever cared is when I'm hurt. What if I won a Nobel peace prize the day of one of your basketball games? I bet he'd play in the game instead of seeing me win my prize. I'm just the girl who is forced to be his sister out of marriage not blood related where you grow up together and automatically love each other. He doesn't love me and probably never will."

"Well he may be forced but you are still family. And even though he may not admit it, he really appreciates you as a sister."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" I snap.

"This. Putting up a wall. You were like an open book when I first met you."

"That's because when you first met me, I was too innocent to know that life sucks."

"That's not true."

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