Chapter Eighteen

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"Your'e all set. The test says no more concussion."

"Thank you doctor. As for her leg?"

"Well it's been two weeks, so give it another month. Make an appointment for check up. We will take the do another x-ray, and if its healed then cast off. You may need to go to physical therapy just in case your muscles are all wacky from not moving for so long. But until then, we won't know anything."


"Seen you soon Rose" he says leaving the room. My dad and I make our way back to the receptionist and make an appointment.

"Wanna go visit your mom?"

"No, she is getting off chemotherapy tomorrow so I plan on going then. She says she wants me to shave off her hair for her."

"Okay, where to then?"

"Home I guess"


We drove home listening to the radio. Eye of the Tiger by Survivor comes on. My dad laughs and turns it up a lot.

"Risin' up, back on the street. Did my time, took my chances. Went the distance now I'm back on my feet. Just a man and his will to survive" I sing.

"So many times, it happens too fast. You trade your passion for glory. Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past. You must fight just to keep them alive." my dad sings next. Together we sing the chorus and continue to sing back and forth until the song ends.

Once we arrive back home, I notice Jake's car is gone. Making my way inside, I see Will, Jake, Travis, and Joey are in the kitchen looking for snacks.

"Well if it isn't Ms. BrokeHisHeart." Joey smirks while opening the fridge. My dad makes his way back down to the basement. Whatever he's doing down there must be a really big project since he's always there.

"Hi" I snap.

"Guys Gerald bought us a pack of-" Dylan says walking in holding beer. I avoid his gaze and make my way to the stairs.

"I'll be upstairs. Oh and no more concussion guys."

Making my way up to my room as fast as I could without falling, I shut and lock my door. Sitting on my bed, I call Jess.

"You will never guess what is happening right now!" I shout just as she answers the phone.

"Well hello to you too"

"Hi. Now guess."

"I don't know, what?"

"Dylan and Will are hanging out, in my house, and it's civil!"

"Who else is there?"

"Joey and Travis and Jake"

"What are they doing?'

"I don't know I ran upstairs."

"Well you're safe in there unless-"

"AHHH" I scream.

"What? What's wrong?!"


"I'll call you later. You go deal with that"

"Jess wait-" I start to say but she hangs up.

"JACOB THOMAS RYAN!!! GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!" I hear a bunch of feet come up the stairs. I look over at the hideous thing sitting on my floor. "AHHH" I scream again as it starts moving towards me. Moving as far away from it possible, I scream again.

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