Chapter Fourteen

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"Hello?" Jake says answering the phone. His face goes from worried to serious in a couple of seconds. That's not a good sign. "Okay I'll tell her. Yeah she's right next to me. No, we are alone. Yes she's obeying the rules. Okay. I will have her call when you are done. Yes. Okay. Mhm. Yeah. Love you too. Bye."

He looks over at me with a sad look.

"Don't panic Rose"

"Oh god what happened?"

"It's your mom. She will be fine." He says looking away from me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Liar. What happened?"

"Nothing. Rob wants you to call at 7 their time."

"Jake I swear to god I'm going to rip your dick-"

"Okay! Tell her what's happening! I don't want to hear the rest of that threat." Jess cuts in.

"She's at the hospital, there was something wrong with the baby. But everything seems fine."

"I need to go visit. We need to go there!" I say standing up. Dylan grabs my waste and pulls me back down onto the couch.

"Not so fast, you have a concussion and a broken leg. There is no way you are getting on a plane."

"He's right and being there is just going to cause Dad to worry way too much about you and your mom. Just relax" Jake says sitting down next to me.

"Why don't you call Riley or someone and see if they know what's going on?" Jess suggests which causes Jake to make a face again.

"Great, what's wrong with her?"

"Nothing I just never liked her."

"Damn it Jake don't do that!" I scold shoving him a little. He goes to push me back but Dylan gives him a look.

"How about we watch a movie while they clean up?" Dylan asks.

"Whoa whoa wait a minute. You guys need to help clean too!" Joey complains.

"I am a seriously injured person, because of your girlfriend might I add, and need to rest. So I can't clean."

"That doesn't excuse Dylan"

"He's my plus one."

"Hey why can't I be your plus one?!" Travis asks frowning a little.

"Travis, let Dylan and her have some alone time. We can join them after cleaning" Olivia replies. "Alright let's get to work."

Slowly, one by one, they get up and start cleaning. Dylan puts on the tv and changes the channel to some movie. We shift our body's so we are comfortable laying down and he starts to stroke my hair. Smiling, I close my eyes, trying to fall back asleep, because honestly if I don't, all I'll be able to think about is my mom.

I mean yeah she is a pain in my ass lately but I love her. She's always been here for me and most of the time never yells at me. She's in a hospital and I can't even do anything about it. This just sucks.

Thoughts about what happened and who's there with her and all that lovely stuff pop into my head as I slowly drift off to sleep.


I wake up alone on the couch. The house is spotless and no one is in sight. I grab my crutches and walk to the kitchen but still see no one. I approach the stairs and I can hear people talking.

Great. I'm gonna have to climb the stairs.

"Jake? Dylan?" I shout.

"What?" Jake says.

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