Part 4

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As the Prince's carriage past the village, many villagers have greeted him with welcoming music and cheers, the return of the first born prince has spread across the kingdom. The people were delighted for his arrival. 

"Looks like everyone's happy to see me." The prince smiled, waving inside his carriage to his beloved citizens. 

As the carriage approached the palace, the prince steps outside. Gazing at the huge building in front of him. He sighs before entering the castle, making his was towards the throne room immediately upon arrival. 

"His Royal Highness Prince Clay." One of the royal guards announces as the doors in front of him opened.

The prince walks in bowing infront of the King and Queen. "Your highness, I have arrived from my long safe travels."

"Raise your head my child." The King says.

"Oh my baby boy!" The Queen addresses,  walking towards his son and giving him a welcoming hug.

"Mother, it's good to see you well." He tells the Queen.

"No need for formalities right now dear. I miss you soo much." Queen Trixtin said, looking at his precious child.

"I miss you to ma." The prince replied. 

"It's good that you have arrived son." The king says, heading over to his wife and child.  "Your brother and sister should be here soon. " He speaks. 

"Wait where are they?" Prince Clay asked,  before a door suddenly opened and came in was none other than his siblings.

"Princess Drista and Prince Tommy has arrived." The royal guard announced. Drista hurriedly walked up to his brother,  giving him a hug.

"Clay! You're back!" She exclaimed.

"I miss you too Drista." The prince chuckles. 

"Do you have to walk fast?" Prince Tommy says, behind Drista. 

"Whatever Tommy I miss big bro here,  don't you too?" Drista teases the Prince. 

"Shut up." He snarled at his sister and Drista laughed. 

"Aww, Tommy I miss you too." Says the Prince, making Tommy embarrassed but happy.

"Whatever." The 2nd Prince said.

King Philza and Queen Trixtin are both loving parents to their families and kids. They made sure their kids grow up to know this and to be a good example to their kingdom one day especially to Prince Clay who will rule over the throne. 

"Oh it's nice to see all of you here again." Queen Trixtin sighs in delight. 

"Now then, since we're all here I shall make the big announcement." King Philza says to them, as the King and Queen went back to the throne. 

"Prince Clay of the SMP kingdom as you may have known that in every empire one must past down the throne to their first born son or daughter." King Philza speaks,  "And since your twenty first birthday will soon come, That means that in three years I will be stepping down and for you to take the throne."

Listening to the Kings speech,  the Prince was happy to know he was going to be crowned three years after his birthday,  just like what his father keeps telling him.

Princess Drista and Prince Tommy clapped their hands, happy for their brother as the heir of the throne. 

"It is my greatest honor to inherit the throne your highness, and I couldn't be more ready." He speaks. 

"Very well,  now that we're done with that part. We should celebrate for you arrival!" The king announced.

"Oh yeah! Father is it okay if we go to the village?" Prince Tommy asked.

"Yes father, mother please can we?" Princess Drista added. 

"Yes of course my child, just bring your personal guards with you." The Queen said. 

"Yes!" Tommy happily sighs. "Are you coming with us older brother?" He asked Prince clay.

"No I still need to do something." Clay declines the offer.

"Oh alright."

"Last one to leave the gates is a rotten egg!" The princess yelled before running off the throne room.

"Hey that's unfair!" Tommy exclaimed following his sister. 

"How many times do we need to tell you no  running in the throne room?" King Philza sighs at his kids. 

The queen chuckles, "Oh dear it's alright." She says, patting the kings shoulder. 

"Mother, Father if i may. Remember the guard that was assigned to me with my journey?" The prince asked. 

"Yes, sir. Sapnap was it?" The king questions.

"Yes your highness. Will it be okay if I make him my personal guard?"

The Queen and King looked at each other, the Queen slightly gasps. "I thought you never wanted a personal guard in the palace?"

"Well I changed my mind."

"Wonderful son, then he shall be assigned to you starting tomorrow." The King says happily. 

"Thank you father, I shall take my leave." He bows his head in front of his parents, walking out of the throne room and into his bedroom. 


PurpleCorn 🦄

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