Part 8

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"A marriage alliance with a Prince!?" The blonde prince was astounded. He couldn't believe his perfect so called family would trade him to a kingdom in marriage for a prince, not a princess but a prince. 

"I already told you son that there was going to be a sueprise announcement and that was it. You will be marrying the second prince,  prince George and you two shall continue to rule over the SMP." King Philza stated, he knows his son wasn't happy to this, but it has to be done. 

"Does he know?" Prince Clay asked. 

"Yes, we informed them already about it. The prince knows because his father specifically have chosen him."

"This is bullshit."

"Mind your manners boy we are in the throne room."

Prince Clay sighs, "I just can't believe this it actually happening to me and to this Prince George. Did he even agree to this?"

"A great Prince knows his duties. Of course he has agreed." The king replies. "Now it's your turn to show me you are willing to do this alliance for our countries benefit."

"But he's a guy your grace, I thought you said I would have to make a heir to the throne one day,  how am I gonna do it if I'm paired to a Prince?" Prince Clay said without hesitation.

"That really isn't the problem now is it? Your sister Princess Drista will grow up one day and will carry out the family tree, as well as your younger brother Prince Tommy." The King tells him. 

"I can't believe this, but fine I'll do it." The prince obliged, he got to admit though that even though Prince George is a male he still thinks he looks good and gorgeous.

"Very well, as your father I am happy for you my boy." The king says pleased at his son's answer. "Now then you shall be dismissed, I have a meeting to the first Prince of L'manberg, you should go and meet with your fiance."

Fiance, such an old yet new word. The prince took his leave now going back to his office, he wasn't really in the mood to search all over the place to find that Prince,  so instead he will be sending out a letter or invitation to one of the castle staffs.

But as he step foot inside his office, he saw none other than the Prince George himself opening up a book on his bookshelf. His royal guard Sapnap, seems to be getting along with the Prince. 

They we're too occupied to realize that Prince Clay has already walked inside, chattering and laughing at this particular book. 

"Ehem." The Prince says, Sapnap instantly getting back to his formal stance and the brunette Prince, closing the book and placing it back to where he got it. 

"When did you get here?" The blonde prince asked. 

"A few minutes ago." Prince George solemnly replies. 

"I see." The prince nods, "Sapnap?"

"Yes my lord?" The guard asks.

"What's on my list today?"

"Uh, nothing my lord. The king has assigned me that I shall just accompany you and Prince George." Sapnap replied. 

The prince couldn't believe he actually got a day off thanks to his fiance. "I see, that's actually surprising."

"Excuse my lord but if you feel like it, you could go and enjoy your free time." Prince George suddenly speaks. 

"Oh, are you suggesting I should stay away from you Prince?"

"N-no my lord, I just thought you'd not want to see me." The brunette says, his face a bit sadden. 

Prince Clay looked around his office for a bit, trying to think on what to say as to not make confusion. "Look both of us were dragged into this, I'm sorry."

"No it's okay, I understand fully well its for the best."

"It's not that I don't like you okay, it's just that I never heard of two kings ruling." The blonde prince says, scratching the side of his neck.

This time, Prince George chuckles in response to the sight of the flustered blonde. "I completely understand that."

"Heh, so uh, shall we make this work?"

"Work what out my lord?"

"Us, this relationship. We can't just get married without knowing each other." The Prince chuckles. 

"Right of course my lord." Prince George obliges.

"Just get a room already, you both are too cheesy and formal." Sapnap exclaimed, earning a bit of surprised face to the brunette and a wheeze from Prince Clay. 

"Shut up Sapnap, why don't you go confess to the boy Karl then?" The Prince jokes teasingly, and Sapnap scowl causing both Prince in the room to laugh.

"Ehem, so uh where do you want to go Prince George?" The blonde asked,  ending slightly the laughter in the room. 

"Wherever you want to my lord." The brunette chuckles.

"Alright, let's go for a walk around the palace then my Prince." Prince Clay says, making a bit of curtsy to the Prince George as he opens the door for him.

The brunette prince chuckles as he starts to walk out the room, followed by Prince Clay and his royal guard Sapnap. 


PurpleCorn 🦄

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