Part 17

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(George POV)

Early bells have rugged over the SMP kingdom, stirring up my peaceful slumber. Yesterday Prince Clay proposed to me and it was the best thing that happened in my life. Slowly opening my eyes as I noticed the different wallpaper on the walls of the room.

~~~ flash back ~~~

"Its getting late Clay." I spoke. Both of us were sitting on the picnic blankets, my body resting on his while he rest his back on the tree, watching the floating candles by the pond, enjoying the quiet and smooth night breeze. 

"Mhmm." Clay hummed, shifting a bit and holding me even closer. "Wanna get to bed then?" He suggested.

I nod in response. I was starting to feel tired and sleepy, the Queen made me deal a few things related to issues around the palace with her supervision. She said it will be my duty once Prince Clay steps up as King. 

"Yeah." I looked up as his eyes were already starring back at me. Clay made a move and planted a kiss on my forehead. 

"Let's go then George." He said. Prince Clay stands up as our bodies separated. Offering  me his hand as I've gratefully accepted it and stand. "I'll come back here tomorrow to clean." He said as we both walked away from the area holding hands.

"So um, who's room are we sleeping tonight?" I shyly asked, stopping the Prince from walking. He looked at me for a minute, thinking to himself.

"Mine." He smiled at me, as both of us started walking again back to his quarters.

~~ end of flashback ~~

"Clay." I whispered, feeling  the blonde prince behind my back still sleeping soundly, his hand over my stomach. I stirred a bit now facing his handsome face.

Prince Clay opened his eyes, greeting me a good morning as he kissed my forehead.

"Good morning." I mumbled, burying my face in his chest, his scent filled my senses making me feel comfortable in his hold. "Can we stay in bed a little longer?"

"We have to go George." He mumbles, holding sniffing my hair. "You smell like roses."

"You smell like lavenders." I giggled.

"Hmm, I love you."

"I love you too."

"Shall we get up then?"

"No." I gave him pout, and he immediately kissed my cheeks making me blush in the process.

"Hehe, cute." He teases, as he boop my nose.

"Clay... "

"George... "

"Don't copy me."

"I'm not Georgie... "

"Don't call me that."

"Then let's get up." He chuckles, as I rolled my eyes at him. He's such a goofy person, it's annoying yet funny.

He gave out a sigh as he sits up, breaking our cuddle time. I spun around the other side, now sitting on the bed. Clay was the first one to stand and stretched himself.

He was wearing his green colored night clothes, which reminded me about his favorite color while I'm wearing a plain white night clothes due go me being always formal. Clay mentioned to me yesterday how I should start on wearing not too formal clothing as well, and one of it was my pj's he said it's okay to make it colourful.

He walked up to his wardrobe to change, as I just sat there staring at the window as the sun light reflects the room.

Thinking about what has been going on, a sudden realization came up to my head just then. "We haven't kissed yet." I mumbled to myself.

It's true that Prince Clay only kisses me on either my hand, my cheeks and my forehead. But we never kissed on each other's lips. I wonder how his lips would feel on mine.

"Alright I'm done George, you can go ahead and change." Prince Clay announces, as he walk out of the wardrobe. He was now wearing a royal tunic with black slacks,  his hair moved to one side. 

I forgot I was staring at him, admiring his beauty when he started laughing and giggling. "You should make me a portrait, that would last longer." He winked as I blushed.

"S-shut up." I mentally slapped myself. How could my future husband be this handsome.

Be slowly then walked up to me, kneeling down to face me properly. I can feel my cheeks started heating again as Clay cups my cheeks. He stared into my eyes, then my lips before asking, "George, can I kiss you?"

I hold my breath as I heard his words. "I was just thinking about it as well." I admitted shyly.

"Well then, allow me." He stated, leaning in slowly, not our nose are connected, my breath in a fast pace as his. I closed my eyes as he presses his lips on mine. It felt new to me, my first kiss.

I started to feel the sweet sensation it gives. Clay separated our lips a minute after and I couldn't help but blush hard on what just happened.

"Thanks love." He chuckles, kissing me on the forehead as he stands up. I remained there for a moment processing my mind as I nod to him in response.

"I should go change then." I spoke standing up, walking towards the wardrobe.

"Do you need help changing Georgie?" He teases.

"No and shut up." I quickly responded closing the wardrobe door. I sigh, smiling to myself as me and Clay kissed for the first time.

  PurpleCorn 🦄



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