Part 6

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"This is a bad idea brother." He tells Techno who was standing right beside him.

"Just do it. I'm sure the King and Queen won't mind, you're his fiance after all." Technoblade whispered to him.

"Shut up, I can't. The first dance should be paired with a woman not a guy."

"George he is your fiance just do it. You'll get to see him up close."

The prince grumble, thinking this idea would be stupid and embarrassing. The King or L'manberg couldn't come to the party, hence why Prince Technoblade and Prince George were the one to attend. They were standing in the ballroom with the other guest, not a crown in their heads as to respect for the royals who lives here ,except when you're a King. 

The royal family finally showed up. The King and Queen to first walk down, followed by the Prince and Princess and finally the first prince, his fiance Prince Clay.

This was the first time George got to see him. The look of Prince Clay radiated the place. He was truly a sight to see for the brunette.

"You falling for him hmm?" Prince Technoblade nudges his brother, who was starring intensely at the Prince. 

"W-what?  N-no why would you say that?!" The prince gave his brother a glare who just laughed silently at the younger. 

As Prince Clay stood in the middle of the ballroom, music started to play and guests started to circle around for the Prince's first dance.

Prince George felt someone push him, almost falling but regains his balance, he looked behind him and see's his brother winking at him while laughing, "Go get em' tiger."

He glares at the Prince, but only to realized he was already out fron the crowd, some people already starring at him, looking behind him again seeing that the blonde prince seemed to notice it. With no other choices left he walked up to Prince Clay.

Bowing his head and giving out his hand embarrassingly he offers the Prince a dance.

The music ended and Prince George immediately walks away back to his brother with  looking at the other Prince's reaction.

"That was so stupid!" The Prince exclaimed, as he tried to find his own brother but noticed that he was already talking with the King and Queen.

Embarrassed of what he did, Prince George decided to just walk away outside the ballroom. 


Prince Clay continues to dance with one person to another, all of them were daughters from Lords and other important guests.

He wondered where the brunette male went after their dance. He finds it amusing that he was daring enough to walk up to him.

Prince Clay walked out of the ball room after a few more dancing, finding himself at the middle of the palace garden. He looked at himself at the reflection of the fountain's water.

"This party is way grand than I expected." He sighs, as the ball continues celebrating his twenty first. Everyone in the ballroom were now dancing,  talking and eating their meals.

Suddenly he saw someone at the other side of the fountain, looking at the other direction seemingly not knowing that Prince Clay was there. Surprisingly the younger male seems to be mumbling something, as the prince walks around the fountain.

"He was even more handsome up close." The Prince sighs. "I wonder if he's even gonna like me."

Prince Clay seems to wonder what he was talking about, going up to the brunette. The one he first danced with. "So this is where you went."

The Prince gasps, as he looked over to the direction Prince Clay was standing. "Oh it's just you."

"Just me?" Prince Clay chuckles, "You were pretty daring back there."

Prince George bows down his head before answering, "Yeah my brother pushed me."

"Blaming it on your brother I see."

"He's annoying." The prince grumbles.

"Im sorry but to whom may I be speaking?" Prince Clay asked. 

The brunette wondered if he should use his title or not. "Its Prince George."

"A prince?" The blonde wonders, as he soon remembers about the neighboring kingdom. "Prince George from L'manberg?"

"Yes my lord." The brunette replied. 

"I see, it's finally nice to meet a Prince from a neighboring kingdom." The prince greeted.

George wonders if he even knows about the alliance part. "Do you know already about the alliance?"

Prince Clay nods, "Yes, although I don't know specifically what kind of alliance."

"I see." Prince George says, as he thought to himself how the prince will react ones his parents announces it later. 

"We should hang out sometime, you seem cool." Prince Clay said.

"Yeah sure that would be nice." He replies smiling at the prince, to which took Prince Clay in surprise and smiles back at the brunette. 

"S-should we head back inside then?" He tells the brunette. 

"Y-yeah we should." Prince George replied, as both of them walked back inside the ballroom. 


PurpleCorn 🦄

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