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"No worries." I said.
"We just really want to be with you and the guys." Sejung said.
"What she meant is we just really want to feed the animals, and also interacting or socializing while feeding them." Hwa-young said trying to fix what Sejung said.
"Well, that's good." Hyun-ki said.
The whole trip was quiet, the trip was not that long. Maybe it took about 30 minutes. But I don't really mind it, as long as I'm with Hyun-ki.

In the progam

As soon as we got out of the bus, Hyun-ki went to Woo-kyung to help her with organizing the foods.

"Okay everyone, please line up according to what animal you would like to feed." Woo-kyung told everyone to follow her.

The girls pushed me towards the 'cat' category since they know Hyun-ki will be the one handling it.
Sejung and Sun-hee went to the 'dog' category and Hwa-young went to the 'chickens' category.
As Hyun-ki walks towards me to count the people on the 'cat' category, I was nervous.

"Oh, Eunhwa why are you here? I thought you were scared of cats?" Hyun-ki said as soon as he landed to me.
"I thought this moment might help me overcome my fear." I said, I don't know how I thought of that. But, good job brain.
"That's good then." Hyun-ki said and continued counting the people on the 'cat' category.

As soon as Hyun-ki was done counting, he told us to follow him to a place where the cats stay.

"Okay guys, listen up. All of us are 40 and there are 20 cats, go find your partners and feed 1 cat." Hyun-ki said

I don't know anyone here, my friends pushed me into this category and none of them went with me.

"Eunhwa." Hyun-ki called out for me.

"We should team up, I saw your friends early go to different categories." Hyun-ki continued.
This is so shocking, I don't know what to do.

"Wait here, I'll go grab a cat food for us." He said and went to the baskets where cat foods were stored.

When he came back I don't know what to do, I was just nervous.

"Let's wait for them to pick a cat and we'll take the one that's left." Hyun-ki said. I just nodded.

The cat left was a black cat. Is this a sign of bad luck? Am I going to do something wtong while I'm with Hyun-ki.

We fed the cat until the bowl as clean as it can be.

"That was fast." Hyun-ki said.
"Are you not scared of cats anymore?" He said jokingly.
The whole time we were feeding the cat, I was far away from the cat.

I just laughed at him. We sat down at the chair and waited for the others to finish feeding the cats.

"So, are you going somewhere after this? Maybe with your friends?" Hyun-ki started the conversation and asked.
"I have no plans, really." I answered.
"Oh, my friends and I are going to the mall and play in an arcade. They are having cool prizes today since its friday." Hyun-ki said.
"Maybe you and your friends would like to join us? After all, Jaebeom and Sunhee are really good friends, and us also we are good friends." He said and invited me.
"Sure, why not? We are good friends after all. I just didn't know Jaebeom and Sunhee are good friends." I said.
"Oh, you don't know? They were studying and chatting at the library together since last week I think?" Hyun-ki said.
"What? We didn't know." I said, confused.
Hyun-ki was about to say something to me but the room became and Woo-kyung called out for him.

"Wait a second." Hyun-ki said and went to Woo-kyung.

As soon as Hyun-ki left, a guy from Class D talked to me.
"Hi, I'm Lee Sunwo from Class D. You're Park Eunhwa right? From Class C?" He asked.
"Yeah. Hi Lee Sunwo." I replied.
"I'm just wondering, do you like him?" He said.
"Who?" I said, nervously.
"Kim Hyun-ki?" He continued.
"Uh. No?" I replied.
"Then, I think it's good for me to say this. I like you eversince last year." He confessed.
Ummm, weird and shocking. I never even saw him once in my life.
But, before I answered Hyun-ki told everyone to line up again and we all did.

After that unexpected confession, my mind went blank. I was left in the middle of the room, alone. And then Hwa-young run towards me.

"Soooo, what happened? You look shock." Hwa-young said.
Then, Sejung and Sun-hee run towards us.

I told them what happened, they were excited about Hyun-ki but shocked about the confession.

"That must be a joke." Sun-hee said.
"Yeah. It sounds like a joke." Hwa-young said.
"Maybe it is true? What if it's true?" Sejung said. Sejung is really not helpful right now.
"It also might be true." Hwa-young agreed. Hwa-young is also not helpful.
"It's definitely not true, maybe he does like Eunhwa. But, it says here that he only went to school this year." Sun-hee said.
"You're such a stalker." Sejung teased her.
"Enough of this. Like what I said earlier, Hyun-ki asked us to go with them to the mall to play arcade." I stopped them.
"Sure sure, of course we'll go." Hwa-young said.

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