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Tuesday / Night

Hyun-ki brought me home tonight, we were holding hands walking on our way to my house.
"I'll miss you." He said once we arrived at the front of our house.
"Me too." I said, then he kissed my cheeks.
"Stop it. My parents might see you." I said and pushed him.
"Can I already meet them today?" He asked.
"Who?" I replied.
"Your parents." He said.
"I really want to meet your parents first." I said.
"Fine, tomorrow then before christmas eve." He said.
"I love you." I said
"I love you too even though your breath stinks." He said jokingly.
"You heard it!" I said and slapped his arm, we laughed and then we both waved goodbye.

Wednesday / Afternoon

"It's christmas eve later, where are you going?" My mom asked me.
"I'll be back soon." I said and walked out of the house.
And there I saw Hyun-ki waiting for me.
"What are you doing here? We agreed to meet at the store." I said.
"I just wanted to see you as soon as possible." He replied.

"I'm actually quite nervous, can we walk around one more time?" I said
"This is the last time okay? We've been walking around for 4 rounds now, this is the fifth one." He said.
"Yeah yeah, fifth is the lucky charm." I said.
When we arrived at the door his mom answered, she look at us scarily.
"What are you doing with a girl?" His mom said blankly.
"Mom, meet Eunhwa. My girlfriend." Hyun-ki said.
"Since when did you have a girlfriend?" His mom said while washing the dishes.
"I liked Eunhwa for a very long time now, mom." He said.
"Not as much as you like Woo-kyung." His mom replied.
"I never liked Woo-kyung! You are the one who told everyone I liked her even though I don't!" Hyun-ki cried and yelled at his mother, I tried to stop him.
"Well, I don't like her! Whatever her name, whatever she is get her out of my house!" His mom yelled at us, and that's when my tears started to fall down. I e
ran outside and Hyun-ki followed me.
"Eunhwa, please." Hyun-ki said while crying, he held me my hands.
"Eunhwa, don't leave me." He said.
"I'm not." I hugged him.
"I don't want your life to be ruined because of me." I continued.
"You're the best thing that ever happened to me, and I don't want you to go." He said, I cried with him until I thought it was time.
"It's time for you to go back home and say sorry to your mom, update me okay?" I said and walked back to our house.

[Hyun-ki POV]

"Mom." I greeted mom.
"You're going to Australia the day after tomorrow." She replied.
"Mom, please no." I cried to her.
"You're going to Australia with Woo-san and Woo-kyung." She said blankly like her son was not crying in front of her.
I ran to my room and cried, and cried, and cried. I don't know why my own mother is like this, ever since my dad died she was like this. But, why am I supposed to be the one suffering.

Thursday / Morning

As soon as I woke up all I can think about is Eunhwa. So, I walked to their house even though it's christmas.

[Eunhwa POV]

"Eunhwa, someone is looking for you." My dad called me in my room.
"Coming." I said.

I was surprised to see Hyun-ki.
"Hyun-ki." I greeted him with a hug and he hugged me back.
"What happened?" I asked him and cupped his face with my hands.
"I'm going to Australia." He cried.
"I don't want to go." He continued and I gave him a hug.
"Please stop my mom." He said, I cried with him until I could talk.
"Hyun-ki, I think it's the best for you to go follow your mom." I said trying to hide that I was crying.
"Are you serious?" He said, shocked.
"Yes, it's better that way for the both of us. Maybe in five years we find each other again? That's better." I said and laughed while crying.
"Do you hear what you're saying? Are you crazy?" He said.
"Yeah, I hear it, and it's a good idea." I said.
"We should try to forget about each other." I continued.
"Can we have our last date?" I asked him and smiled.

We decided to walk around the park holding hands for our last date.
"I need to go now, my mother and father must be worried." I said.
"I love you." I continued.
"I love you too." He replied and hugged me and then I went inside our house.

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