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Next morning tae wake by the annoying sound of the door bell and this time the flowers were alone on the floor.....no one is there......tae took it and threw it on the couch as he rushed to get ready for office.....it's his first day and he have many plans.......he want to get rid of his boss' secretary and make his boss drool over him......

Tae walked out of his apartment.......he saw the same boy which he met yesterday.......he was waiting to pick tae for office.......tae smiled as he get inside the car.......

Tae entered inside the building with a lot of greetings......he felt so proud cause they are greeting him as their boss' wife......

"Ohh youre here??.." miya asked teasingly when she saw tae on the elevator.......tae ignored her as he looked otherside.......

Tae walked out of the elevator but miya pushed tae aside as she walk before tae.......tae managed to not to fall.......he placed his one hand over his baby bump.......he stared the way she went......

"Watch your way bitch or else you will never live longer....." tae mumbled as he pouted angrily........

"Don't worry gukk-ah, eomma always protect you....." Tae started to walk gently, caring more his bump.....

Tae get inside without asking cause he don't need to ask for entering his husband's cabin........

Jungkook was on his chair while miya was standing beside him while holding a file.....jungkook closed the file he was looking and looked his wife lovingly.....

"Don't you know to ask permission before entering??...it's not your bedroom" miya asked so rudely.......tae stared them with a pout......

"Get out..." she yelled which jungkook punched on the table getting up from the chair......

"Who you are here??...." jungkook yelled at her.......miya looked tae angrily......

"Jungkook...." she called softly.....

"It's my company not your dad's.....and you're just an employee here not even my friend.....so behave like other workers.....Got it??..." jungkook asked pointing at her who nodded gritting her teeth while looking down.......Tae was just looking them with his puppy eyes.....he didn't felt happy or sad for scolding her......miya walked out instantly......

"Come here..." jungkook said as he sat on the chair......tae walked near the table......he didn't asked permission to sit on the chair near the table cause his legs getting weak cause of standing for a long time......he is getting tired fastly......

"How is our gukkie?..." jungkook asked facing at the documents....

"Huuhh???..." tae asked instantly........

"Did you ate???....." jungkook asked......

"No..." tae said nonchalantly which made jungkook to stare the other......

"Don't you have medicines to take??.." jungkook asked by closing the file......tae nodded looking down his hands......later tae saw jungkook calling someone in his phone......

"Come to my cabin...." by that jungkook ended the call..... tae looked his husband confused.......tae avoid eye contact with the older.......

Sir, may i come in??...."

Tae heard a women's voice.......he turned to see who is that girl.....Tae saw a beautiful girl entering inside the room with a sweet smile......

"Sir..." she said as she stood near the table......

"This is jeon taehyung, my wife...." jungkook introduced which made tae bite his lips shyly......

"I'm not your wife...." tae mumbled which is enough to hear both of them......tae eyed at his husband who is staring the other with a straight face......

Love Or Hate? (Taekook🐯🐰) ✔Where stories live. Discover now