Part 2: The Date

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People were staring at him and it was starting to creep him out. Kongpob had only been absent from the university for a week but he felt like an outsider as he walked along the school grounds. He urged his feet to move faster, to reach the Engineer building quicker where he knew his best friend would be waiting for him by the entrance. Did something happen? Maybe Aim could shed some light on the matter of why almost everyone was acting very strangely.

"Wow, Kong! You're glowing!!!" His alpha best friend exclaimed in greeting as soon as he saw Kongpob fast walking in his direction. Aim then took a huge inhale of the air before screaming, "and you smell so good too!"

Is that why people kept on staring at me the moment I've had been dropped off in front of the campus gate??? Kongpob groaned internally. He silently cursed his family for not telling him about it too. He didn't feel any different! and when he looked in the mirror this morning, he didn't see any difference either. However, he knew it wasn't uncommon for an omega to have a sudden glow up right after their first heat. Yet, Kongpob felt like a young teenager again being hit with puberty! And at his age? Wow, it's like he has a fucking neon sign above his head that said, 'I'm an omega and I just got my first heat!'. Damn it, this just keeps getting better and better. Kongpob sarcastically told himself.

"Ssshhhh!!! Aim not so loud!!" Kongpob hushed the man quickly.

"What! But you are!!" Aim screeched and now more people were staring at them because of the alpha's loudmouth. Their first-class haven't even started yet and Kongpob was already so done for today! He grabbed Aim's wrist and dragged his friend to class not wanting to be subjected to all the stares any longer.

- - - - -

"Oy Arthit! Have you heard the latest gossip?" Bright plopped down on the chair right in front of the current engineering head hazer.

"I don't care," Arthit muttered without even looking at the intruder. Just by the obnoxious voice, he already knew who was disturbing him. Arthit went to campus early today to get some work done in the library for some peace and quiet. He didn't mention it to the gang so he doesn't know why Bright was here... in the library... and so damn early in the day!

"I bet you will be when you heard this one!" Bright singsonged and leaned into his personal space. But Arthit just ignored him. After three years of being friends with Bright, one just learned to tune him out once he started talking nonsense. "It's about your favorite nong, 0062!" But that instantly got Arthit to stop writing on his paper and finally looked up.

"Knew you were interested!" Bright smirked. Tootah was usually the bearer of the latest gossips to the gang but Bright guessed going to campus early has its perks. Maybe he should up his single chicks hunting schedule in the am. Today has really been a productive morning for him.

"What is it?"

"Tsk. So impatient." Bright rolled his eyes. "Okay, drum roll please!"

But his words were only met with an annoyed eye roll from the head hazer. "No? okay. Anyway, it seems like your favorite junior is an omega!'

Okay, knew about that already. Arthit said to himself. He didn't tell anyone about what happened inside that deserted classroom. He also asked Knot to not utter a single word about it either. It wasn't their story to tell anyway.

"And everyone got their eyes on him now!" Bright continued.

He's back? I wonder how he's doing...

"And he's fucking blooming man!!"

Well, it's only natural for omegas after their first heat. It's kinda like their mating call or something... like when alphas start to fill out their muscle mass after their first rut. Nothing new there. "That's it?" Arthit finally answered back.

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