Part 3: It's the heat!

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Kongpob was wrong. He thought after that little impromptu dinner with the head hazer, it would improve their budding relationship. But oh, how Kongpob was dead wrong. The first year's expectations weren't even that high to begin with. Because he wasn't expecting them to be friends right off the bat. With the hazer's personality, that was highly unlikely. But at least they were more than acquaintances now? And even acquaintances acknowledge each other when they pass by each other, right?

But for some reason, the alpha was blatantly ignoring him. Numerous times Kongpob had passed the head hazer in the hallways, in the canteen, or even outside campus, and his greetings were outright dismissed. A small 'Hi' would be nice or even a twitch of a smile, that was all Kongpob was asking for. But he received none of those. He didn't understand why the head hazer was acting so cold towards him all of a sudden. Did he do something wrong that night? Was this punishment for acting out during the hazing activities? All Kongpob wanted was a little confirmation that the night they shared wasn't fabricated by his own imagination. That he wasn't the only one who imagined that there was something different and maybe special about that night. Because the younger surely felt that there was something there.

The senior's treatment continued for two weeks and Kongpob, who was such a tenacious person that never backed down and doesn't stop trying was done. Completely and absolutely done! If you don't want to acknowledge that ever happened then fine by me!!! Kongpob one day screamed at himself. He was fed up with the senior's antics and asked himself why he kept on trying to get the man's attention in the first place. If the senior didn't want to be friends with him then okay then! It was the alpha's loss! And Kongpob concluded that he didn't have the energy for it anyway. He was tired most days. He blamed the university workload, and him still trying to wrap around his head that he was indeed an omega. But if someone asked him if the head hazer's actions were affecting him, Kongpob would absolutely say no. Because it shouldn't. Why does he have to care about the alpha anyway?

In the end, Kongpob did back off. He didn't want to make a fool of himself any further. And not only that, but Kongpob also kept a low profile. Because if that's what his senior was doing, then that's what he'll also do. An eye for an eye, that's what they say. Kongpob stopped speaking up during the hazing activities. He also avoided the hazers whenever they cross paths. He did everything he could to get the senior out of his day.

The first year's shift in persona towards the hazers has been going on for more than a month now. And Kongpob could say that he was successful. But behind closed doors, Kongpob couldn't help himself. Deep down, he knew he was still hung up on that night. That single-night kept on popping into his head, filling up his dreams and taking control of his fantasies.

- - - - -

It was yet another new week. Another week of lectures, school work, and activities. The sun had just risen and it was still early in the week but the first-year omega was still and already exhausted to the moment his eyes opened from his slumber. And his foul mood only worsened when it wasn't only fatigue that he was feeling. His whole body was burning and his sheets were sticking to his skin.

Fucking fuck not now! Kongpob could only internally curse himself. He concluded that this may be the reason why his body had been feeling weird for the past couple of days. And the fact that he wasn't at his top performance lately. But, Kongpob was so busy with everything that's happening in uni that he didn't notice the telltale signs days prior. Aim had kept on commenting about it, but he just dismissed it and told his best friend that the alpha was just seeing things.

Damn it. Time to tell Aim that he's right; and eat my words. Kongpob grabbed his phone and quickly texted his best friend that he was not coming in for the next couple of days, and for him to take notes and cover for him.

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