Part 5: Progression

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Meet me at the back of the building in 5.

That was all that was written in the text Kongpob had received from his head hazer. No context. Na da.

After their second dinner, no matter how magical it was, (he doesn't speak for his senior but for Kongpob it was) the omega was prepared. He was emotionally prepared that the hazer won't treat him any differently on campus. That the alpha won't start a conversation with him or that the senior probably won't even acknowledge his greetings. To anyone's eyes, they were the head hazer and the troublesome first year, and they needed to act as such. And their dinners were left like beautiful dreams that one forgot when the morning comes.

Kongpob's assumption was one hundred percent right. Because they haven't had any contact for the past weeks besides the hazing activity. Literally, there was nothing, not a peep from the head hazer. And Kongpob didn't bother trying again either knowing how the last time turned out. They mainly kept their distance.

So, the first year was surprised by the out-of-the-blue text he received bearing the hazer's name as the sender. But aside from the content of the message, another thing that got the younger excited was that apparently, the alpha had saved his number! He guessed the senior wasn't as averse to him as he thought.

It was already in the afternoon, and Kongpob was with his friends chilling in the cafeteria. But as soon as he had read and reread the message, Kongpob excused himself and headed to the meeting spot. He was already too curious about what the senior wanted from him to waste another second.

Questions and theories were already cooking inside the younger's head. Did the senior know he was on break? Did he see him with his friends just hanging out? Was the head hazer familiar with the first years' schedule? But whatever it was, Kongpob was giddy to talk to the senior again. For him, it was already far too long since their last encounter and Kongpob needed a P'Arthit refill already.

And when he got there, the man in maroon shirt was already waiting for his arrival looking dashing as ever as before even if the day was about to end. Kongpob quickly wai'ed to his senior to show his respect before the head hazer spoke up.

"Here." Arthit outstretched his arm and shoved a paper bag to the younger.

If Kongpob was speculating in his head, he definitely didn't think that he'll receive a gift. But with eyes wide in surprise, Kongpob gingerly took it from the alpha's hand not knowing what this was all about "What is it, P'Arthit?"

"Your heat is coming soon, right?"

With those words, Kongpob instantly took out his phone from his pocket and checked his calendar. Fuck! He's right!!! How could I have missed this again? I should keep a better track of my heats. Good thing P'Arthit- Wait a minute, he remembered??? Kongpob snapped his head back to the alpha who was looking a little sheepish.

"I did say I'll give you something to help you through it." The alpha scratched the back of his head not looking at the omega "Better to have that stashed in your room just to be safe."

"Oh, you're right phi. Thank you." Kongpob was alternating between looking at the paper bag in his hands then back to his senior. He was clueless on how to respond. He was touched that the alpha remembered his promise but slightly panicking on the inside because shit, heat again!

"Sure." The alpha replied nonchalantly. Arthit didn't wait for any form of response from the other after that. The senior just exited the scene without saying anything else, leaving a dumbfounded Kongpob behind still processing what just happened.

- - - - -

The honey-skinned omega couldn't wait for his classes to be over! He was bouncing on high adrenaline for the rest of the day and his friends could clearly see it. Kongpob hid the package from his senior inside his bag, not wanting to share it with anyone and also be subjected to questions that he didn't want to answer just yet. And as soon as he reached the privacy of his dorm room, there was only one thing on his agenda- check what his P'Arthit gave him!!! Kongpob quickly removed his shoes, and not bothering with anything else, ran straight to his bed. He opened his bag, removed the package, and started pulling out the contents inside it one by one.

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