Part 13: Wad's Tale

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(contains Prem x Wad)

"So, you and P'Arthit huh?" The beta out of nowhere brought up the hottest topic today as he and Kongpob were strolling along the Engineering corridor.

Wad had volunteered to get everyone some snacks as their little group was now having a sort of impromptu study session with one of their classes suddenly being canceled. The tan-skinned omega had decided to join his beta friend as he wanted to use this as a little breather from all of his friend's questions. It was a working session that Kongpob needed because he wasn't free tonight, thus needed to get some work out of the way. But for some reason, his friends were still more interested in his love life than in their coursework. And it was as if they were actively thinking of new questions to ask him every time! He and P'Arthit being in a relationship should not be this big of a deal to others!

The two first years were currently walking to the food stands when the beta sprung the question and the omega just nodded with his eyes trained at the front. Kongpob was curious when the other would ask him directly about it. His friend wasn't the type to join in the chaos they were in earlier. But he was sure that Wad has a few questions up his sleeves, he was MIA for quite some time.

"Have you done it yet?"

"WAD!!!" Kongpob screeched and stopped to look at his friend. What the... of all the things that he thought the other would ask, this was not it! But the beta just shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly as if he had casually asked about the weather they were having today.

"What, I'm just curious that's all." Wad continued with his voice neutral.

"No, we haven't!" The omega spluttered out his initial and default reaction with his cheeks red.

But the beta looked at his friend curiously with an eyebrow raised. Something tells him that there was more to it than his words because Kongpob was all of a sudden fidgeting and avoiding eye contact. And with the omega's beet-red face, Wad was sure it wasn't because of his out-of-the-blue question. But his friend remembered something naughty that he had done with the head hazer.

Kongpob could feel that the beta was studying him intently. And for some reason, he wanted to share more with his friend on what had happened between him and P'Arthit. All these new feelings growing inside him, these feelings he was experiencing, it was all too much for his heart to handle. He needed to tell someone he could completely trust! (Not that he didn't trust his other friends, but there were some more personal matters that he didn't want to divulge to everyone.) Plus, this is Wad. The man had kept his secret for the whole academic year. And not once letting it slip to anyone. So, he instantly backtracked his answer, "Well... we did call, and you know did something...but only once!"

A once that Kongpob wanted a repeat of.

"So tonight then?" Wad calmly asked.

They continued walking, but Kong kept tripping over with his two perfectly left and right feet at his friend's line of inquiries. So that's why Wad was silent the whole time they were having Kongpob's intervention. His questions were not for anyone else ears to hear!

"I heard you two were going to have a date tonight..." A teasing smile was gracing the beta's face.

"Yes! But no, we won't do that!!! I think... I don't know?" The omega's tone turned to disbelief, denial, to doubt. Will he and P'Arthit be having sex tonight? Was his P'Arthit expecting them to do it tonight?! His heart sped up just only by the thought of it!

"Do you want to?"


Well, do I? That's definitely a 101% yes! Do you even have to ask Wad? Kongpob thought. He always wants his alpha. Always. But is he ready? Does he want it to happen tonight? They officially just got together yesterday! But they already did 'phone sex' if he could consider that as such. Oh my...does he need to prepare or something? Wait! Wait!

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