Part 7: Aim, the best friend

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How do you move on from the person who had taken care of you since your first heat?

How do you move on from the person who had made your heart skip faster than ever?

How do you move on from the person who had made you believe in destiny and soulmates?

How do you move on from your first love? Or how does one move one from an Arthit Rojnapat?

We're not even together, yet why does my heart aches with just the thought of removing him from my life? Why does it hurt knowing that he belongs to someone else and not me? And why does it still feel like that we were meant to be together? Like I was meant to be his and he was meant to be mine. Wasn't everything that had happened between us was because of fate? Or am I mistaken and all of it was just mere coincidence.

Kongpob didn't contact the senior since that fateful encounter. He couldn't pretend that everything was okay when it was not. Not to mention he was embarrassed that he had made a fool of himself by throwing himself to a committed man. He didn't know how to face senior. What to do and how to act.

But what made his mood damper than it already was that the senior didn't contact him either. Arthit didn't know that he knew. So, what's with the radio silence? Or was he the one who was always making the first move? Was Kongpob the only one who was always reaching out to the other male? This train of thoughts kept running through his mind as the omega re-evaluated everything that the two of them had gone through. And Kongpob had come to realize that maybe he was just forcing himself to the alpha. Maybe he was just seeing things he wanted to see and exaggerated the truth to fit his fantasy. Maybe all of it was a hoax that was fabricated inside his head.

"Please stop being so sad na, Kong." Kongpob's deep thoughts were cut when he felt two strong and familiar arms engulfing him in a warm embrace from behind.

Aim had finally and successfully dragged his best friend out of his dorm room. It's been a week, and the man had been hauled up wallowing in self-pity inside his room. And Kongpob doesn't leave unless it was for class. Aim honestly thought that Kong would have easily gotten past this hurdle and moved on. He seemed better when they parted that day, and even refused any more emotional help from him claiming that he had done enough.

But for the following days, his friend had been acting like he had his heart crushed and trampled on. The young alpha was lost too, not knowing what to do with his best friend's circumstance. And that's when Aim realized that Kongpob was indeed madly and deeply in love with their head hazer. Aim could easily feel the melancholy aura of the other that he was unintentionally giving off. All of their friends kept on giving these concerned looks to Kongpob even though the omega told them that it was nothing and that he was fine. Their gang turned their concerned looks into guilt-tripping stares, but now directed at Aim, clearly telling him that he should go and help their friend out with whatever was bothering him.

He understood their concern. They all felt worried and helpless. But honestly, Aim doesn't know what to do and how to help. Both he and Kong weren't experts on the matters of the heart as both of them haven't been in any serious relationship before that he could use as a reference. And Kong hasn't even opened up with anyone with this matter except for him. Not to mention that he knew he was emotionally constipated too, so he was possibly no help at all to the omega. He could ask their friends in a third-person kind of way, but he's afraid that they'll wiggle the truth out of him. And besides, everyone will see right through him. He couldn't form a single lie to save his own life! So, all that Aim could do was to be the anchor and support that his best friend needed right now. It was the best that he could do.

It was kind of ironic really, but today was such a beautiful day and it was sort of mocking Kongpob's dispirited aura. The sun was out bright and shining, a cool breeze was hitting their faces, and a huge tree was blocking the rays. They were sitting in an alfresco dining area of a little café. Aim had ordered some pastries for both of them and Kong's favorite iced coffee drink. He had tried to engage his best friend in conversation about different topics. And Aim was delighted that Kongpob was responsive, more responsive now to be honest. The omega must have realized too that he needed to get back on his own two feet, and that's why he had agreed to get a little vitamin C. Aim could see that the man was trying to get back to his old self too and act that he was unaffected with the whole thing.

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