Part 14: Official Date

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"Oy Kong! Do you want to join us for a game?"

Kongpob was instantly snapped back to reality at Aim's words. This was their last class for the day. And apparently, his friends had decided to hit the court and play some ball. They've been talking about it nonstop for the past few days in their group chat because the girls had been complaining that the boys were spending too much time stuck on their mobiles playing games. Of course, they took it as a challenge and decided to shoot some hoops just to prove them wrong. They even reserved a court and invited other first-years to join them. And they now kinda have a little competition going on or something. Intense!

Kongpob has been physically absent from class, but he still checked his messages in the fear that he'll miss out on something. He read all of the updates and the efforts his friends had been doing to make it work despite their busy schedules. But today, there was something else he had to do. The games will be every other day anyway for the next two weeks. So, he still has any other time to join then, "You guys go ahead. I have somewhere else to be."

Everyone was packing up their stuff and was excited to end the day of long lectures. However, in Kongpob's case, it was more of a long day filled with questions and stares. Unlucky for him, the classes they had after their lunch break had small windows of time that his friends got to shoot their curiosity directed at the omega without their head hazer's presence. Kongpob wasn't used to having everyone's attention solely and blatantly on him, but he tried his best to answer each one of his friends' questions. The only detail he left out was the 'heat thing' as he and P'Arthit liked to call it. It was still something that should only be between the two of them and Aim on some details. Yet even after everything he had told them, his friends still couldn't properly wrap their heads around that he was now dating the head hazer. Half of them were scared shitless, and the other half was cooing and teasing him. Well, except for Maprang who was swooning and fanning herself the whole time because, as she quoted, 'P'Arthit is so dreamy!'. And Kongpob couldn't agree more.

"I thought you're going to wait for P'Arthit? He said that he'll be late right?" Aim asked.

And the head hazer did tell Kongpob that. And unfortunately, their whole table heard it back at the cafeteria during lunch even if those words were only directed at the male omega. But even without the reminder, Kong already knew that. His phi had kept on reminding him about their first official date tonight. He had been receiving random texts throughout the day about it. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who was excited. And when the younger pointed that out to his senior, Arthit just told him that he was only checking if the younger blocked his number (again). The alpha claimed that he doesn't want to be avoided, ignored, or be seen zoned ever again by the omega.

"Yup, I am waiting for him."

"Great! We still got time, and that means you can play at least one game with us first!" They exited their lecture hall with only Aim and Kongpob remaining inside. Everyone else had already left.

"I can't. I'm meeting P'Mes."

"P'Mes? Why?" Aim whipped his head so fast to face his best friend, "I thought you're having your date with P'Arthit, not P'Mes."

"I have to meet him first," Kongpob replied, not bothered by the whole thing even though Aim's reaction told him that it wasn't a good idea. Why was that though? He honestly couldn't understand his friend's weird reaction.

"Is that a good idea? Going alone? Does P'Arthit know?"

"He's my boyfriend, not my keeper, Aim." The omega rolled his eyes at his best friend. Aim was the one who introduced the second year to him. Why was he against it now?

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