Part 18: Two Years Later

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warning: rough, possessive, with minor bdsm & toys (do not read if uncomfortable)

His perfectly shined black leather shoes hit the wooden floorboards of the all too familiar bar. He had already left his blazer inside his parked car, not wanting to look like he had just come from a meeting that ran late (which was what exactly had happened). He removed his red silk tie and kept it inside his pocket as he walked further inside the establishment. The scent of alcohol filled his senses as he undid the first two buttons of his black long-sleeved button-down and rolled up the sleeves to look a little less formal. His eyes checked his watch again, noting that he was already two hours late than the expected meeting time. Although, his companions were already used to people not reaching the place on time. Their respective work and responsibilities usually got in the way. That's adulting he supposed. Everyone was more mature now.

His eyes didn't have to scan the crowded establishment to look for his friends. He already knew where he was headed. They always sat there. At the far end of the bar, in a more secluded and private spot. The owner of the place always reserved those comfortable seats for them whenever their little gang got together. They were sort of a big group, although not all of them were present every time. But they tend to get loud and wild, especially with alcohol inside their system. It's a good thing that the owner didn't mind the noise. Mainly because it was the owner himself that was making all the ruckus! Yep, his alpha friend Bright, who's a licensed engineer, had opened a bar! Who would have thought that the goofy alpha will push through with it? And look where they were now, it's currently everyone's go-to hang-out spot.

Arthit could already hear the chatter and laughter as his eyes finally landed on a group of people, half wearing smart casual clothing while the other half had the maroon workshop shirt on them. It wasn't only his friends that the alpha was meeting tonight. It's a Friday night, and some of his juniors were also present to let loose and catch up. There's a specific group of young engineers he had gotten close with his friends, and it was mainly because of his boyfriend. His younger omega partner had the need to include everyone in everything and did not want any of his friends to feel left out when they were hanging out together. Thus, eventually merging their two groups together.

And speaking of boyfriend, Arthit snapped his eyes to the direction of his affection. There, at the far end of the sofa, sat his omega. The younger's face was already as red as a tomato, but from laughter or alcohol, the alpha wasn't sure. And he smiled, seeing a small vacant spot beside the man. A seat that was reserved only for him.

"Oi, Arthit!" It was Bright who first spotted him. He was carrying a large tray of beers to the group's table which was already filled with empty bottles and plates.

All eyes snapped to him as he came closer. And Arthit gave out a small wave, acknowledging everyone's greeting. He missed this. He missed his friends. He missed university. And most importantly, he missed the man who was giving him the brightest smile of them all.

"P'Arthit! You're finally here!" Kongpob automatically scooted a bit more to free up some space for his boyfriend to sit beside him.

It was a tight fit, but Arthit welcomed the warm body of his lover. Kongpob had instantly attached and leaned his body to his. The alpha was handed a beer by his friend Prem, who was seating right in front of him with his beta lover at his side. Arthit immediately took a huge swing, feeling the sweet-bitter taste burn his throat before pointing the bottle at his friend's boyfriend who looked a little too drunk already so early in the night. But Prem only shrugged in response and dragged Wad closer to him for support.

Arthit scanned over everyone around. All of his friends were complete. While his boyfriend's group, the only people were missing was the class president and their batch's star. And he was actually a bit disappointed. He never said it out loud, but Arthit secretly loved the group's dynamics. More than two years now since he and Kongpob became lovers, and everyone was currently more comfortable with each other. They had become an odd group to look at. Two different engineering batches, phi-nong relationship the most of them, but still they became each other's support system.

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