Part 11: Suthiluck Residence

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The two couldn't be apart even if they wanted to. The need to be together was too great, and the pull was too strong. And the new couple was not doing anything to fight against it. They let themselves succumb to their thirst and hunger for each other. The desire to touch... to connect. They let it consume them and eat them alive.

They finally migrated to the younger's bed with their lips still attached. The omega's back hit the soft duvet with the alpha hovering above him. They stared into each other's eyes with genuine smiles on their faces. Their gazes filled with pure delight and relief that they were finally together. The alpha slowly reached down and caressed the omega's face with a tender look, as if he was etching the memory in his head forever. Kongpob, on the other hand, was in awe at how the alpha was so gentle with him. The love that the senior had confessed to him earlier was evident on the man's face and actions. Kongpob's chest was beating far too fast, and the emotions swirling inside him were bursting to come out. He couldn't stand it anymore! Especially the evident space between him and the alpha. He lifted his hand, grabbed his senior by the neck, and pulled him down to bring their lips together once again.

Kissing his senior felt like breathing. It felt natural. It felt right. And Kongpob couldn't help the tears that were now free-flowing down his face. Arthit suddenly pulled away when he felt something damp against his cheeks, and instantly panicked when he was faced with a crying omega yet again.

Arthit fussed, of course. But his fright had morphed into a smile as he cooed at the younger when Kongpob told him that he was just so happy that they were finally together. The omega cursed out loud his blasted hormones, claiming that he had just finished his heat and that's why he was a little more emotional than normal. The alpha chuckled and didn't mind at all. In fact, he loved it. He loved everything about the first year. And that's what he said to the man laying below him as he wiped the stray tears away.

The alpha's sweet words were too much for Kongpob to handle. He wasn't used to it! Usually, he was the one that's teasing and making cheesy pick-up lines to the other. (See! He clearly showed that he was interested! it was the alpha that couldn't take a hint. Ugh!) And on the rare times that the senior gets back at him in his own game, it usually left Kongpob speechless (like now). So, the best solution was that he had to keep the senior's mouth preoccupied... with his own. And in all honesty, he just couldn't get enough of the alpha's taste! Plus, infused with the man's hypnotic smell, fuck! Kongpob was in pure heaven. He parted his lips and felt the alpha enter his mouth tasting every bit of him. The omega's whole body tingled with warmth as the alpha's hand started touching his skin. And his brain went haywire as his mouth was claimed again and again, with each second of their kiss getting hungrier and hungrier.

"Someone's coming." Arthit suddenly detached from the younger. He lifted his head and peered out of the window after hearing the sound of a newly arrived engine outside.

Kongpob loudly whined at the loss of the other's lips. It was finally getting to the good part, not that kissing the senior wasn't, but he wanted more. And he felt that they were already going in that direction. However, the alpha just had to stop at something irrelevant and break their momentum! "It's probably just my parents."

He wrapped his arms around the alpha's neck and leaned upwards to connect their lips once more. Kongpob doesn't know what's gotten into him. He was acting like a starved man. And the only food he needed was his P'Arthit. He was successful, a bit. He got a small peck on the lips, but the alpha didn't push for more as it seemed like he was more bothered with the omega's reply.

"Your parents?" Arthit created a bit of space between them and looked straight into the younger's eyes with his face on high alert.

"Yeah, they're probably back from the office," Kongpob replied not bothered by this at all, this was their home after all. But it seems like the alpha was.

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