Part 17: One Month After II

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They say dreams are usually autobiographical thoughts based on recent activities, conversations, or aspects of a person's life. And in Arthit's case, he concluded that he might be a little too much into his boyfriend lately. Because he was currently having the most amazing dream with Kongpob as his co-star.

He knew it was a dream because one, his boyfriend was stark naked out in broad daylight. And he knew that the younger wasn't an exhibitionist (neither of them was). But he couldn't deny how beautiful the omega's tan skin looked as it glowed under the warm sunlight and contrasted with the blue cloudless sky. And secondly, he was laying on top of a floating bed with his boyfriend looming over him. His bed doesn't float! and what made it even more unbelievable was that they were on top of a pool filled with pink milk! The setting was loony! And yet his boyfriend was sitting on top of his crotch and smiling lovingly down at him. He couldn't fathom how it was possible, but his omega's smile was even brighter than the sun behind him!

Arthit was in a trance. He watched as his boyfriend bent to the side and scooped up some pink into his palm. Kongpob lifted his head, eyes closed, and opened his lips before pouring the liquid into his waiting mouth. But it seemed like he didn't swallow any of it as it started to cascade down to his chin, to his chest, to his... Arthit snapped his eyes back to his boyfriend's smirking face.

"Do you want a taste, my alpha?" the younger's sultry voice suddenly filled his ears.

This seriously looked like the start of some weird-ass porno! And he didn't want to take any part in this even if it was a dream! ...But then again, his dream boyfriend looked so hot and sexy right on top of him waiting for his answer. What was wrong with his head!?! How did he come up with this shit?! But Arthit found his dream self nodding at his omega's question. Kongpob reciprocated with a megawatt smile. The younger then purposely bent down forward, making their bodies touch and their faces only a few inches away. Arthit could see the playful smirk adorning his omega's face before he went back up, but only a bit.

"Open wide, babe."

And dream Arthit did part his lips as his boyfriend poured his favorite drink onto his open mouth. The hazer was amazed that it tasted sweet! But it was his favorite pink milk after all! Not to mention, this was his dream. So everything that he loved was here.

But the alpha couldn't savor his drink for long, because his boyfriend's lips suddenly attacked his. He felt his omega's tongue roaming inside his mouth, tasting every inch and corner. And Arthit couldn't help but moan and pushed their bodies even closer.

"Mmmm, that tasted good." Kongpob moaned out as he licked his lips. "I think I like pink milk now too, P'Arthit."

Oh, my goodness! This dream-Kongpob was seriously so lewd! Borderline pornographic! If his real-Kongpob ever does this, Arthit thinks he'll combust from embarrassment!

And it seemed like the omega wasn't done yet. The younger proceeded on scooping up pink liquid in his hands again and pouring it all over the alpha's body before attaching his lips to the pale pinkish skin. And Kongpob kept repeating this, putting pink milk before slowly licking it off! Slowly and deliberately, on the alpha's neck... nipples... navel... and all the way down the man's throbbing dick.

"Kong..." the alpha moaned the other's name out loud. He had his eyes closed. All of his senses were focused on enjoying the sensation of that warm tongue licking his shaft. Arthit could feel the younger on him, treating his dick like a candy. But then his body jolted at the sudden warm heat engulfing him whole.

Arthit instantly shot his eyes wide open. But what he was staring at had turned solid white and not the bright blue sky. He blearily repeated blinking his eyes, making sure that what he was seeing was right. And indeed, Arthit was now looking at the ceiling that he was quite familiar with. It was the same view he had woken up to for the past three years. He was inside his room again. And he couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that he was back in the present.

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