Part 12: Officially Yours

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Kongpob was a morning person, sure. But like any other sane person, he doesn't wake up all energized and thinking of sunshine and rainbows. Hell, without a failure, he looked atrocious every morning when he woke up. His hair was spiking up everywhere, there was dried drool on his chin, and his sleepwear was hanging off by his shoulders. He was groggy, and always whining to himself about why was he starting the day early again.

And like any other normal person, the first thing he does was to reach for his phone by the nightstand to turn off his blasted alarm! Also, to secretly calculate if he could get five more minutes in before he had to absolutely get up from his comfortable mattress. But this morning, it wasn't the time that had made him sit straight up on top of his bed. It was something entirely different that made him shoot his eyes wide open and a smile bloom across his face. It was a text from the head hazer! His senior. His boyfriend. His alpha!!! Kongpob was instantly on cloud nine when everything that had transpired yesterday came crashing back down to him. And all of a sudden, he was now excited and giddy to start his day.

He tapped his phone and opened the message he received. And Kongpob couldn't help but let out a laugh as he read the words from the other male...

My alpha:


Love you.

Good night.

Dream of me tonight!!

Kongpob checked the time, and he saw that the messages were sent almost at two in the morning. He was already fast asleep by then. The omega had already sent a good night text to his boyfriend before that, and the other greeted him right back. But he guessed his senior really did have something he needed to do back at his place as the elder had turned in that late. The omega was touched that the alpha was willing to sacrifice his sleeping time for him but found it funny that his boyfriend didn't trust himself to wake up on time.

The omega stood up from his soft duvet to start his day, with his phone on one hand by his ear. He kept on walking around his dorm room, moving and picking up stuff he needed for uni while the mobile kept on ringing. And it kept on ringing before it kept on getting disconnected because it was always left unanswered. But the smile on Kongpob's face never wavered. It took him two more tries before he finally heard the voice he was anticipating for.

"I'M UP! I'M UP!"

Kongpob didn't even say anything! He was just silently chuckling at the older's antics. He could hear a loud groan and strings of distinct curses before Kongpob greeted his boyfriend, "Well, good morning to you too, sunshine!"

The alpha responded with another set of curses, and then followed by the words, "Why am I up so fucking early again!?"

The omega instantly halted in his tracks. His smile deflated a bit. And he felt a bit guilty that he was robbing his senior of the rest he very much needed. Kongpob wasn't blind. He had seen the state of the alpha yesterday. Even before that, actually. His P'Arthit looked tired, dead tired. The bags under his boyfriend's eyes were more prominent against his pale skin. And that pale skin lacked its usual white glow. It was obvious that the man was overworking himself to death!

"You don't have to drive me to campus, phi. I was only kidding. Just hearing your voice is enough to get me through the day."

His senior's health comes first, after all. Kongpob laughed and tried to make his voice as light as he could, but he knew he sounded a bit forced. Although, he thought it was very much passable for now, especially with Arthit's still sleepy state.

"Don't worry, it's fine. I need to go to school early too."

"Oh..." Kongpob trailed off lamely. He thought his phi was getting out of his way for him but he guessed he thought wrong.

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