Part 10: Aftermath

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His uneasiness was flaring up with each passing day. He couldn't concentrate on anything else. Everything he ate tasted like cardboard. And every day, he lay awake staring at the ceiling when the night falls with those words echoing inside his head.

I love you.

Did he hear that right or was his orgasmic-filled mind playing tricks on him? He had to know. He needed to know. Everything depended on the omega's answer.

I love you.

He couldn't get a hold of him. The omega wasn't answering his messages or calls. The younger was avoiding him, that much was evident. But why was he avoiding him?! Wasn't what he said was true? Or was it just a spur-of-a-moment thing?

I love you.

Arthit knew the first year's heat was over. He knew because, for the whole academic year, that was the only thing that the alpha was doing- he was keeping track of the omega's heat. He knew 0062's schedule more than the man himself! But the head hazer didn't see the honey-skinned omega in campus, nor with his friends, nor in his classes. And aside from the man's heats, he also memorized Kongpob's class schedule too. So, the hazer knew where the younger should be. But he wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere! Where the fuck was he?!

I love you, P'Arthit.

Fuck! That one sentence. That one sentence that was thrown carelessly out in the open was driving him insane!!! Where the hell are you, Kongpob?! Was it possible that they may have just missed each other on multiple occasions or was Kongpob running in the opposite direction whenever he was near? Yes, the latter was a huge possibility. But that was only a hunch. A hunch that Arthit has no time for. And he was not leaving anything by chance anymore. He planned on going to the root before the omega even step foot on campus. He'll catch him.

And the very first thing next morning, the alpha rushed straight to the omega's dorm building without a second thought.

"You again?" It's the very same person manning the reception area every time the alpha had been here before. And Arthit knew that she saw him lurking around the area for the past few days too. He was hoping to catch a very specific omega days prior, but he was obviously unsuccessful.

"He isn't here." The woman answered the unasked question.


"You're looking for Kongpob Suthiluck, right? Room 316? He hasn't returned since two? Three? days ago..."

Now that can't be right. He wasn't here? Where did he go? Did Kongpob leave and stay at one of his friend's dorms? But why? Or worse, did he go to that alpha?! The one who he had the scent of before the younger called him. Arthit didn't want to even think about the latter being a possibility! Where's Kongpob?!

The head hazer had completely forgotten about his manners and rushed off once again not offering any gratitude or goodbye. He was out for answers and he needed them ASAP! So, Arthit got back on his bike and headed off to campus. He marched right into the engineering building as soon as he parked and turned off the engine.

The alpha looked like a man on a warpath. Everyone was steering clear of his way. Steam was coming out of him and a dark aura was surrounding his being. However, as he stepped foot inside the building, what greeted him was the voice of his friend that he really had no time to entertain right now.

"Hey, Arthit!"

Not now Bright, not now! But what's worse than Bright's welcoming party was that it wasn't only his alpha friend that was coming his way. The whole gang was here, and it looked like they were going to block his path to enlightenment.

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