Important information🔊

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Hi curious wanderers! Thank you for clicking on this story! I really hope you'll enjoy. Before I start however, I would just like to cover a couple of things.

1. This is my second story on this site - my first is similar to what this one will be in terms of the main characters, however the plot/storyline will differ, so it's still something new! My hope is that I will be much prouder of this one.

2. More thank likely, I'll end up referring to Chris as Evans a lot of the time, as all six OG avengers are involved and that of course includes Chris Hemsworth. We wouldn't want to be mixing up our Chris's now, would we?

3. Mature content will 100% be a part of this story, so be warned! Swearing, sex, all that jazz, you'll find it here.

4. Some of you that have come here may be reading my other story, so this is something you'll all be aware of already and you can skip over this part.

For those of you that are completely new and aren't familiar with my other story - the main character in this story will have a stutter. For some reason, this gained a lot of negative comments from more people than it should have. For anyone that is unaware, having a stutter is a real life issue and it doesn't just happen when people are nervous.

This is something I have suffered with ever since childhood - I don't remember a time I didn't stutter. Yes, being nervous and anxious definitely makes it worse, but it does NOT go away and someone with a stutter can't "stop it". Having a stammer means your brain and muscles don't work together - we all have these little kind of flaps in our throats and those flaps open when you speak, allowing the sound to come out. However when you have a stutter, those flaps often don't open, therefore the sound gets trapped, which causes those stutters. A lot of children start off with stammers but most grow out of it, some of us sadly don't and it's mostly incurable (there are very few cases of people physically curing themselves of it - Joe Biden actually used to have a stutter believe it or not). For me personally it is physically exhausting to speak sometimes. As I stated above, yes being nervous definitely makes the stuttering worse because you're worrying about it so much. But I still stutter around my closest friends and family, because it's not something you can control. It can IMPROVE (I have good days and bad, really bad) with different techniques, but there's not a switch to just turn it off.

I know this is lengthy, but I thought I'd put this disclaimer at the start to try and stop the comments in the future - not just for myself, but for other people out there that may read those comments and have stutters themselves. It's not nice. I absolutely welcome constructive criticism, but being annoyed by someone stuttering is a you problem.

Now that I've covered everything, let's begin!

the heart never lies (chris evans)Where stories live. Discover now