chapter nine - a perfect date

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Evans's POV
The following morning, my alarm wakes me up bright and early; 6am. I'm pretty excited getting up, eager for the day ahead. I quickly throw some clothes on to take Dodger for a walk to stretch out his legs, and for the whole time I think about what to do with Meg. I have to make today really special. It's hard to judge how much of a romantic she is, or how much cheesiness she likes. I guess today's the day I start to find out.

I end up talking aloud to Dodger, reminiscing some kind of plan. "Breakfast first, we should definitely go for breakfast first. It's early, nothing else will be open. And I should ease into the day, right? I mean, no point doing everything right at the beginning. What's fun to do in LA? We could go to the Santa Monica Pier. And maybe we could go to Venice. That has a skate park. I think she'd find that cool. And a walk along the canals would be pretty low-key romantic."

When I get back to the house, I ask Owen to watch over Dodger while we're gone, and then I head back upstairs for a quick shower. Once I'm done, I go to my bedroom to get ready. I end up changing three or four times, worried about looking too causal, and then too over-dressed. Shit, why am I so nervous? What is this girl doing to me?

In the end, I decide on black jeans and one of my flannels. Smart casual. Fahck. Come on, Chris. Stop being a meatball. Chill out. I finish the look off with my white and blue natural addiction baseball cap, while slotting some sunglasses into my flannel pocket. Today is going to be great.

Meg's POV
My eyes suddenly ping open and I gasp, the sound of my alarm filling the room. I quickly fling my arm over to turn it off, before looking at Liv, hoping it hasn't woken her up. Luckily, she still appears to be sound asleep. I let out a sigh of relief. 7am. Way too early to be awake.

But I'm sneaking out with Chris to hang out with him, just me and him. I smile uncontrollably, biting my lip. Liv will understand when I explain it to her later, I'm sure. As silently as I can, I shuffle out of bed and collect some clothes together, before tiptoeing to the bathroom. I get ready and when I go back to the bedroom, I let out a quiet sigh, looking at myself in the mirror. I've settled on my short dungarees with a plain white tee. Is this too casual? But I don't want to over-do it, in case it's not a date. He thought the dungarees were cute the other day. But maybe he just said that to be nice. Ah, god, why am I like this? I shake off the thoughts and put my shoes on, before opening the bedroom door, only to see Evans waiting on the other side.

He straightens up and smiles, and my heart stops. I smile too, giving him my awkward wave. He's wearing black jeans and a flannel. Gee, he looks so good. I love a guy in a flannel. His look is completed with one of his baseball caps. "Hi!" I whisper, carefully shutting the door behind me.

"Hey, you ready?" I nod and we walk down the many set of stairs, including the ones outside. "So, I was thinking we could get breakfast first?" I nod again.

"Yeah! Sounds g-good. Get th-that energy needed f-for the day!" As soon as the words leave my lips, I screw up my face and Evans chuckles, glancing at me. "Sorry— I come out w-with stupid st-stuff when I'm n-nervous." He grins, as we walk towards one of the cars.

"You're nervous?" My eyes widen. Oh fuck.

"Oh, um, I err— n-no, I just— I just, um, w-well," He doesn't take his eyes off me, eagerly awaiting for me to inevitably fuck up somehow. "I'm just, always n-nervous." Yes, good save Meg.

"Well, let's hope I can change that then." He answers, opening the passenger door for me. Oh heck. What does he mean by that? I gulp and hop into the car, thanking him, before he walks around to the driver's side and hops in. "So, where would you like to go for breakfast?"

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