chapter twenty nine - a night to remember

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The following morning, my eyes peel open to the ray of sunlight piercing through the slight gap in the curtains, and I let out a deep sigh. So tired. I'm exhausted from last night. I can't quite fathom how I managed to handle it without having a mental breakdown. Part of me worries that it was all a dream, and the actual premiere is tonight.

Evans is spooning me, his arms wrapped loosely around me. He's still sound asleep, which is quite rare. I'm never usually awake before him. I raise my head slightly and see Dodger sprawled across the foot of the bed, also sound asleep. So he definitely hasn't already been awake. He must be pretty burnt out from the premiere — it must have happened last night. With a small smile, I drop my head back into the pillows and close my eyes. Then suddenly he stirs slightly, breathing deep, and his arms tighten around my waist. My smile widens and I slowly spin around to face him, opening my eyes. His lips stretch into a sleepy smile. "Moooornin'."

"Good mornin', honey. Did you sleep okay?" I nod.

"Yeah, was out l-like a light."

"I don't blame you. Last night was very exhausting." Definitely wasn't a dream.

"Tell m-me about it. Honestly can't b-believe I got through it without having a m-mental breakdown." He smiles again.

"It's because you're stronger than you think." I smile and roll my eyes. "I meant what I said as well, y'know. I'm so proud of you. You absolutely smashed it. Anyone would think you're a pro." I force a laugh, blushing deeply.

"Don't be d-daft."

"I mean it. You handled it amazingly and I really am so darn lucky to have you. You should be proud of yourself, Meg." He assures, planting a soft kiss on my forehead. I smile weakly.

"Has your f-family said anything? About me?" I ask, dodging eye contact. He grins.

"They absolutely adore you." My eyes snap to him and I start smiling.


"Really. Every single one of them. Our WhatsApp group is clogged up with everyone saying how great you are."

"Oh—" My cheeks burn up and I bite my lip. It feels like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm so relieved they like me. "That's g-good. Phew. I'm g-glad they l-like me."

"There was never any doubt in my mind." My blush deepens.

"Sooo... what's the p-plan for today?"

"Hmm, chill day? I think we had enough excitement yesterday. We can stick around here and watch some movies."

"Mmm, a chill m-movie day sounds p-perfect." He grins and pecks my lips.


It's the 24th. Our last full day all here together. Tomorrow, Liv and I will be flying back home to England, and I'm not at all ready to leave this behind. Everything's going to change, I just know it.

During the day, we don't really do much, but as evening draws near, Hemsworth sets up the BBQ to cook us up something delicious. Evans and Jeremy fire up the fire pit, scattering chairs around it for everybody, and for some reason, I have been entrusted with the music. I make a playlist with a variety of different genres, trying to cater to everyone.

We sit around the fire, reminiscing about the past month — which mostly consists of the others teasing Evans about how much he fancied me. It ends up being such a great evening — we laugh, we share, I try to hold back my tears. Even Liv is bearable. I'm really going to miss these guys.

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