chapter twenty four - a girls day

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The following day, Evans and I get up early to go dress shopping. While he takes Dodger for a walk, I make myself some breakfast, sitting at the breakfast bar to eat. When I'm about half way through my cereal, Scarlett wanders into the kitchen.

"Ah, morning!" She chirps and I smile.

"Morning. You okay?" She nods, walking over to the coffee machine.

"Yeah, I'm good. How about you? Excited for dress shopping?" She asks and I let out an unintentional groan, making her laugh. "I had a thought actually,"


"Feel free to say no, but I thought maybe it would be nice if you and me go on our own? A girls day! And there might be a little less pressure if Evans isn't there. Bless his heart, he'll try to help as much as he can, but sometimes the men end up just getting in the way." She says with a laugh, making me laugh softly too. I take a moment to think about it. She might be onto something there. And it would be nice to surprise him on the day what I'm going to wear. "It's okay if you'd rather have him there too, so you've got a bit more help. It was just a thought."

"No, no, I th-think that's a good idea. It would b-be nice to surprise him with what I'm g-going to wear too." She grins widely.

"Ah, yes! Like his face when he saw you the night out." My smile widens and I nod, blushing a little. "He'll pout about not coming today, but it'll be totally worth it."

After I finish eating, I head back upstairs to brush my teeth and collect everything that I need, before Scarlett and I hang around in the living room for Evans to come back so we can break the news to him. I'm sure he'll welcome the time away from me.

Soon enough, we hear the front door click open. Ah, that should be him. Scarlett and I quickly stand up and hurry out of the living room, finding Evans in the hallway, unclipping Dodger's lead.

"Ah, hey, if you give me five minutes and I'll be ready to go."

"Actually, Chris..." Scarlett starts. "Meg and I are going to go alone, have a girls day."

"Oh—" He utters, frowning slightly. "Right, um, okay. Yeah, that's cool." He says, nodding slowly. I can't lie, it breaks my heart a little. Surely he'd be happy about not going dress shopping?

"You'd get b-bored, anyway." I say, forcing a smile.

"You can hang out with the boys now." Scarlett adds and he lets out a little laugh.

"Right, no, yeah. Good idea. Okay, yeah, you girls have fun." He walks closer to me and lays a soft kiss on my cheek. "Don't be too long." He teases with a wink, making me smile. "Look after my Megs now, Scar." Oh gosh. My Megs. Gahhhh. Scarlett let's out a soft laugh and pulls me towards the door.

"Don't worry, I'll bring her back in one piece. See ya later!" I turn around and give him a wave, which he returns with a soft smile and gentle wave.


"He's so smitten with you." Scarlett says when we hop into the car and my cheeks glow a deep red. Well, the feeling is more than mutual. As we set off, I can't help feeling a little nervous. Dress shopping has never been my fortè. I just know it's going to end up taking hours to find a good fit, especially something that's premiere worthy. "So what kind of dresses do you like?"

"Um, w-well, I don't r-really know. N-Nothing too tight. I guess I kinda like skater style dresses."

"Something similar to the one you wore on the night out?" I nod gently.

"Yeah, s-something like that I guess. Would that b-be okay? Or do I need something long?" She shakes her head.

"Not necessarily. Trust me, there'll be loads of different styles of dresses at the premiere. Long, short, it doesn't matter, long as you're comfortable. We'll find something." I force a smile and nod. I sure hope so.

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