chapter eleven - motion in the ocean

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My eyes flicker open unwillingly, a ray of light shining through a gap in the curtains. Ugggggh. Nooooo. I reach over to the bedside table and look at the time on my phone. 08:42. I've still got eighteen minutes until my alarm goes off and I need to get up. Today when the gang come back, Hemsworth is apparently going to give us a surfing lesson, which I'm quite excited about. I've always wanted to learn to surf.

But the pressing matter for right now is... do I get up now, or have my eighteen minutes in bed? Hmmmm... I think the latter. I pull the duvet up to my face and snuggle in, closing my eyes. Mmmm. Bed is so good. It's like the best place in the world. Nothing could improve it. Well, actually... one thing could improve it... right now.... Evans being in bed with me... we'd just be lying here, gazing at each other, and then quickly looking away when the other notices. Maybe we'd be holding hands, playing with each other's fingers. We'd smile, and laugh at lame jokes and our own stupidity.

Eighteen minutes pass and my alarm sounds the room. Ugh, time to get out of bed. Flipping the covers off me, I haul myself out of the bed and saunter to the wardrobe for some clothes. Why am I still so tired? Without a second thought, I place my clothes on the bed, then I open my bedroom door and stroll out. I make my way to the bathroom door and swing it open, only to accidentally walk into a hard surface. Oh fudge cakes. Not again! My eyes widen at Evans's practically naked body, just in his boxers, and I quickly walk back without hesitation. "Shit, s-sorry--" I mumble, embarrassed. However, he quickly stretches out his arms and grabs me, pulling me back towards him.

"There's not a laundry basket behind you this time, Meg - just the stairs." Oh shit. Yeah. I gulp and he half-smiles at me, shaking his head. "Don't want you falling down the stairs and breaking your neck."

"Might st-stop me from f-falling into you, though." His smile widens.

"Now why would we want that?" He questions playfully. I blush deeply, my arms pushed together and on his exposed chest. Why didn't I put any trousers on before I came out? Instead, I'm practically naked myself, in skimpy PJ shorts and a baggy t-shirt. His crotch - my crotch - so close. "I'm starting to think you like falling onto me." He adds with a cheeky grin. Well, it's only happened twice... And I said into not onto.

"But I w-walked into y-you, I didn't fall on—" OH. It's like a light bulb in my brain suddenly switches on and I pause mid-sentence. Did he really—? Still grinning, he raises his eyebrows.

"Well, maybe you should start." Oh fuckity fuck. Holy cow. Shit a brick. How do I answer!? A blush creeps its way onto my cheeks and I stutter out words that don't really make any sense. I wish I could say something witty, but alas, I'm just a blubbering mess. I'm kind of staring at him, biting my lower lip. He's so fucking— ugh. I could just reach up and kiss him... or reach down and gently caress his shaft. Or both. Would he kiss back? Would he get hard? "So, I'm guessing you want to use the bathroom?" He says with a smirk, taking me out of my dirty fantasies.

"Oh, um, y-yeah—" I answer with a weak laugh. He then shuffles in close to me, and shuffles to the side, guiding me with him, so we can essentially swap places. His crotch brushes against me, which sends anticipation coursing through my veins. As he steps back and takes his hands off my hips, I can't help but notice his eyes unintentionally look me up and down. Oh my lord.

"So— I'll leave you to it." He says, clearing his throat.

"Righto." I say with a nod, then I slowly close the door as he starts walking away. I take a deep breath. Fuck me. That was... something.

A couple of hours later, the rest of the gang start arriving back at the house. Robert is first, followed by Mark and Jeremy, then Hemsworth, then Scarlett. It's good to see them all again, and they seem happy to be back. Scarlett seems very excited to hear all about what Evans and I got up to over the weekend.

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