chapter thirty - a second to say hello, and forever to say goodbye

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With an abrupt gasp of breath, my eyes spring open in shock, awakening from the horrible dream I was having — that Chris told me he didn't want to be with me anymore, that we were mistake and he could never love me. My heart feels strained. Fuck. I do not like wake ups like this.

A pair of strong arms hang loosely around my body — those arms belonging to Evans, of course. Our legs are entwined and we're still butt naked from the memorable night we had. Slowly, I spin over to face him, taking in every single one of his stunning features. Those plump, luscious lips. Those long, long eyelashes. The shape of his nose. Every freckle, every crinkle and every tiny hair on his beard. The fluffy bed hair. I want to wake up to this every single day. I don't want to go back home. Not without him. What if I asked him to come back with me? Not forever, obviously, but just for now. So we have more time. So we can be together and wake up like this everyday. I'm not ready to be apart. I'm not ready to let this go. To let him go.

His nose suddenly twitches and he stirs. With a soft groan, his eyes flutter open and I force a smile. "Morning, you." I whisper and he gives me that cute, tired smile.

"Morning, gorgeous." How can someone sound so sexy in the morning?

Evans's POV
Suddenly, I wake up, letting out a soft groan while my eyes flutter open to see Meg's cute smile.

"Morning, you." She whispers and I smile too. God, she's perfect. I want to wake up like this every damn day.

"Morning, gorgeous." I reply, wrapping my arms tighter around her, only to realise my right arm is slightly dead from being laid on. I wince a little, bending my fingers to try and stop the pins and needs.

"Is your arm dead?" I let out a weak chuckle.

"A little, but it's worth it." With a smile, she rolls her eyes and raises her body slightly so I can free my arm. The tingling increases and I roll onto my back, moving my arm around to try and stop the tingling. She snuggles into the pillows and watches me. Once my arm is back to normal, I give her a raised eyebrow, glancing at her and raising my arm. "Get over here." Rolling her eyes again, she shuffles close and rests her head on my chest, bending her leg over my lap as I wrap my arm around her.

"So bossy." I smile, gliding my finger across her hip lightly while her finger glides across my tattoos. "I'm s-surprised Dodger hasn't awoken yet." She says quietly and I let out a weak laugh, glancing at him sprawled across the bed on my left side.

"Clearly he doesn't want today to go ahead either." I joke, before my smile turns into a frown. "Meg?" I say quietly, to which she slowly turns her head to look up at me, resting her chin on my chest.

"Yeah?" I just take her in — all of her. Every single beautiful feature. Those gorgeous dark brown eyes that could convince me to do anything they ask. Her soft, plump lips that I never want to stop kissing. The shape of her nose. How her hair falls on her face and how she's always trying to brush it aside while scrunching up her face. Every freckle. The pink of her cheeks when she's nervous or flustered. Fahck, I don't want her to go back home. I want her to stay. I want this for a little longer, at least. But how can I possibly ask her to stay? She's probably excited to go home and see her family, her friends. I can't be selfish. It's not like we can stay here and ignore the real world forever. "What?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to look at you." I say with a soft smile. There it is — the pink in her cheeks. "I wish we could stay here forever. Forget the real world. Forget responsibilities and obligations. Forget everything except this, right now." She smiles softly.

"Me too."

"Can I drive you to the airport? Just me and you? Ray or Owen can drive Liv. I just want to see you off properly." She nods.

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