chapter twenty three - football or fucking?

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The following day, I wake up naturally to the not so sweet chirps of the morning birds. Like most mornings, I wake up feeling groggy and just as tired as I was when I went to sleep. Mornings are definitely not lively for me. However, the feeling of Evans's body against mine, an arm draped over me, hearing him breathe deep in his sleep, makes me look forward to them.

He stirs, letting a tiny little groan out as he begins to wake. He readjusts himself, snaking both his arms around me to hug me tight. My lips stretch into a wide smile as my cheeks burn up a little. I roll over to face him, snuggling into his chest.

"Mmm, good morning." He chirps, planting a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"Mmmm, hi."

"Not good morning, huh?" At this, I smile again and pull my head back, looking at him.

"Is any m-morning good, really?" I quiz and his lips stretch into a cheeky smile.

"Every morning that I wake up next to you." Oh. My god. This maaaaaan.

"Oh, shu'up." I mumble, hiding my face in his chest. He chuckles softly.

"I'm serious. Waking up to your beautiful face. What's better than that?"

"Uhhh, w-waking up to Dodger's beautiful ffface?" I retort, looking back at him. He laughs again.

"Well, lucky for me, I get the best of both worlds." I blush deeply and he smiles, pecking my lips.

"Where is Dodger? You haven't l-let him out yet, have you?" He shakes his head.

"Nope, he's behind me — we're currently back to back." This makes me smile wide.

"N'awww, that's cute. Is th-that why we're p-practically on the edge of the b-bed?" With another chuckle, he nods.

"Yep, he's an even bigger bed hog than you." His comment makes me gasp loudly and he smiles innocently. "What? You're a massive fidget."

"I can't help it." I pout.

"Aww, I don't mind. You can hog my bed anytime." I smile and roll my eyes. That's when Dodger suddenly sits up, ears up. Both Evans and I smile. Dodger looks at Evans, then starts pawing him, making us laugh. "You wanna go out, huh?" Dodger gruffs him. "You want some brekky?" He jumps off the bed and Evans chuckles, getting out of the bed too. My eyes unintentionally stray down to his bum and I bite my lip. Mhmm, yeah, mornings are pretty damn great now. He puts a pair of boxers on, then a t-shirt. "I won't be long. Want me to bring anything back up with me?" With a smile, I shake my head. He nods an okay and then opens the door slightly, disappearing out with Dodger. I let out a happy sigh, tossing my head back.

Then suddenly, my phone starts vibrating. Incoming call. Huh, that's strange. Who would be calling me at this time? I reach over and grab my phone from the bedside table, looking at the caller ID. It's my mum. Shit, I haven't talked to her since Chris and I told her we're together. I quickly answer. "Hi, mum!"

"Hey, honey." She whispers. "Sorry. Just wanted to check in."

"Why are you w-whispering?"

"In case you're with Chris. I don't want him to think I'm overbearing." I let out a laugh and roll my eyes.

"Don't be daft. He's a m-mum's boy. He'd be l-loving this."

"So you're alone right now?" She asks, speaking normally.

"Yeah, Chris is j-just letting Dodger out and f-feeding him."

"Ah, okay. That's his dog, right?"

"Yup, that's it. He's the s-sweetest little pup. Is everything okay?"

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