chapter thirteen - photoshoots, interviews and glamming up

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The following day, the gang are scheduled in for some press tour stuff, and we're lucky enough to be able to come by and watch. It's pretty crazy seeing how they have to prepare for the photoshoots and interviews, how long they have to spend in hair and make up.

There's a photoshoot with the guys to start off — where they all make silly and funny poses. It's both strange and amazing to see everything from this point of view — actually watching from behind the camera as opposed to on a screen at home. It's amazing to see them laugh and have a good time. It's so plain to see that they love each other so dearly.

"Gee, Hemmy is soooo fit." Liv whispers to me with a smirk.

"You know he's m-married."

"Of course I do. What's the matter with you? I know you're, like, old fashioned and everything, but what? Can't even compliment a guy anymore?" I roll my eyes, folding my arms. "Evans is fit too. They're both attractive guys, doesn't mean I'm going to try and seduce them. I wouldn't do that to you." I exhale deeply, glancing down. "Waw... you actually don't believe me?"

"I didn't s-say anything."

"You didn't have to. You're my friend. I'm not going to come onto Evans just because I can." At her answer, I feel a slight pain in my chest. I force out a laugh. Always so, so confident. "I mean—" She sighs. "That came out wrong. I didn't mean it like that."

"It's fine. F-Forget it. I know what you meant." Luckily, the shoot finishes at that moment, so the conversation is swept under the rug.

The next part involves interviews, which sadly Liv and I can't sit in on, so instead, one of the crew members — Alec — shows us around the place and how everything works. I actually find it really interesting, but Liv seems bored out of her mind. She ends up trailing behind a lot, focusing on her phone. "I'm s-sorry about her — she doesn't r-really find this as interesting as, as me." Alec chuckles and shakes his head.

"Don't sweat it. I guess it's not for everyone. At least one of you seems interested, that's the main thing."

"Yeah, I've always f-found all this r-really cool. I bet it's f-fun to work here." With a chuckle, he nods.

"Oh, absolutely. It definitely has its perks. I've met some really cool people. But hey, it must be pretty awesome hanging out with the Avengers!" I laugh softly and nod. "Sorry— I'm not trying to get any gossip. I'm a big Marvel fan. Those guys have always seemed pretty great in real life."

"Trust me, they are. N-Nicest people ever. They've m-made us fffeel r-really welcomed." He smiles. "And they're so much fun."

"Yeah, that's hardly surprising at all. Have you ever visited the states before?" I shake my head.

"No, this is m-my first time over, over here. I've always w-wanted to come."

"How do you like it?" With a smile, I nod.

"It's g-great, yeah. In some ways it's a l-l-lot like the UK, b-but in other ways it's, l-like, completely different. I'm n-not sure I could live here in LA constantly, though." He chuckles softly.

"Yeah, it's definitely not for everyone."

"Oh my god, you guys are getting on so well!" Liv beams, catching back up to us. She smiles widely and I furrow my eyebrows. I'm having a feeling she's up to something. "Alex, you're a total cutie."

"Uh, it's Alec..."

"Right! Of course, sorry. I'm terrible with names." She says with a laugh, and that's when I notice Evans walking over to us with Mark. I guess they've finished the interviews. "You know, you two would be totally cute together."

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