Chapter 7: Shopping

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This morning was busy for Jisoo as she is meeting new investors, she went inside her office. As she took her seat, her secretary Yeri entered her office.
"Morning unnie, here's your coffee!" Yeri greeted her warmly as she placed iced-americano for her.
"Thanks yeri! whats my schedule for today!"
"unnie, You have a meeting with investors today by 11 am and then we will have a meeting with our financial team for monthly check. Also we have a meeting with our HR team as they have hired some new interns"

Jisoo nodded as she hummed in response. She took a sip of her iced-americano and went to review her presentation.

Yeri went out of her cabin to prepare for the meeting.


Jisoo entered the conference room with Yeri behind her with an iPad. Both greeted everyone inside the conference room. Jisoo felt a vacant seat so she curiously asked

"has everyone arrived or should we wait!" One of the investor said "Sorry President Kim but president son s—"

The door was opened abruptly as two women entered the conference room taking everyone attention towards them.

"sorry for being late, I got stuck in traffic!" President son said while her nervous secretary Joy was behind her who chuckled nervously. Yeri snorted loudly enough for them to hear.

Jisoo glared at yeri making her to shut up. they took there seats as Jisoo stood up from her seat to start the presentation.

"Now everyone is here, Lets start shall we!"


Irene was going through her mails when she was at her office.
Her phone ringed, "hello!"
"Rene! Have you gone through the list i have sent you!"

"Yes Mom! I did, But i'll confirm this when i will discuss it with jisoo."

"Yes! You should! Its her engagement too Sweety! By the way if you will be meeting her then why don't you both go and select the food items and flower decorations"

"hehe...Good idea mom! I'll see you later bye!"
"Bye rene"

And Irene placed her phone down as she settle her things and packed her bags. She then smiled and went out of her office, then went near her secretary desk. Her secretary stood up and greeted her.
"please clear-my schedules, I am going out, If any problem occur do let me know"

her secretary nodded and then she left.


The meeting ended late as everyone started to leave the conference room only Yeri, Jisoo, Wendy and Joy were left.

Then wendy stood up from her seat and stretched her hands, "The meeting was tiring and long!"
she received a smile from jisoo, "You can have refreshments if you want!" Jisoo offered as she also stood up and both went out of the conference room.

"Nah! its fine. Am just happy to see you Kim! You did a good job there"
"Thanks president Wendy-shi" Jisoo said politely while yeri just looked at them annoyed while walking behind them with Joy.

"Don't be formal jisoo. Its not like we are acquaintance You can call me Wendy" wendy said with a smile on her face.

"ok wendy! then i would like to offer some refreshments as its almost lunch time" jisoo said taking a quick look at her watch as wendy patted her shoulder with an ok sign gestured with her hand.

They entered jisoo's office only to be interrupted by a familiar voice. The girl was back-facing the door so she didn't know they have few visitors too.

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