Chapter Twenty Four: Light

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Light White

Dr Callum smiled up at us. "Good to see you both again."

My husband beside me grunted softly in acknowledgement "It's good to see you as well."

I smirked "It's been a while huh."

Dr Callum flicked through some papers with a chuckle "Last time we talked we were discussing your adult children."

I sighed "Yeah."
Frankly I always worried about them. They were all so different and busy with their own lives.

Dr Callum hummed down at the sheet.
"If I remember right, Light. You told me your elder two have a complicated relationship that forces you to play middle man a lot."

I hummed softly, crossing my hands over my knees.
"Yes. Just recently another incident happened. It's so bizarre. One day there's fumbling and soft chatting coming from Honey's room late in the night. I know it's Scarlet. Scarlet only ever wants to come round to see him anymore so he stays over for the night sometimes."

Dr Callum nodded, leaning forward at his desk, removing his glasses.

I sucked in a breath." It's just... Scarlet doesn't get along with Honey's best friend Sampson. So they fight a lot over him... "

Nord grunted beside me." Light, I thought they were dating? Sampson and Honey..."

I huffed raising a hand to my head.
"I wouldn't know what to tell minute they're trying to have sex the next minute they're avoiding each other. I never raised Honey like this at all."

Dr Callum raised an inquisitive brow.
"Do you think perhaps Honey could be scared of commitment? On and off relationships are usually a sign of dissatisfaction in a relationship."

I shrugged looking over to Nord for some kind of help.
He cleared his throat. "Obviously it's not something we discussed. Relationships are a bit of a problem in the house of White."

Dr Callum lifted the edge of a page, before putting his glasses back on.
"What about your daughter, Lloyd, was it?"

I nodded "Deedee. Yeah. Well."

I blew a raspberry avoiding his eyes.
"Things haven't gone well in that department."

Dr Callum enquired "Why not?"

I shrugged with a sigh.

Nord came in quick with his response though. "She's dating the daughter of someone we are not particularly fond of."

I laughed quietly under my breath.  "Not anymore."
Nord sighed at my words as I went on.
"Before you say anything, I didn't force them to break up. They just... Found differences in their relationship."

Nord nodded "Our DeeDee hardly has time for dating cause she's so busy."

I smirked to myself. "Some people can't cope with a successful partner. It's all for the better."

Dr Callum raised a brow at me.
"So they've broken up?"
I hummed happily.
Dr Callum stumbled over his words.
"How's Lloyd feel about all this?"
I shrugged "I don't know she's doing well focusing on her work."

Nord beside me sighed, sitting up in his chair.
"She's been a bit quiet actually. I think sometimes she gets wrapped up in her thoughts when she's down."

I glared at him. "How do you know that?"

Nord glanced over at me " I watch my daughter working from time to time. She isn't all that gungho about working as you are. She likes what she does, sure. But you make it out like all our daughter should be doing is activism and journalism. She needs a social life too you know, Light. "

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