1.10 - Club fair

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The end of the school day came the classroom was slowly emptying with students leaving to go enjoy the campus. I stayed behind with Fūka so we could talk about what she saw in the cafeteria. I opened the window that was next to my seat while we waited for all the students to leave. I stood up and just gazed outside letting the cool spring airflow inside the classroom. Enjoying this moment until the last student left.

"So, what did you find out," I said quickly after the last student left.

"Wow, right to the point. You're supposed to ask me how my day was?" Fūka responded with that grin.

I turned my body to look at Fūka and sighed, "How was your day?"

"Pretty boring, thanks for asking. Anyways about what I saw in the cafeteria, the school does offer a free meal ticket."

I expected her response and I still asked. "I see" What she said next piqued my interest. 

"Wait, I'm not done quite yet. I then went around asking the upper-class man which class they are in and the ones in class C and D were the ones who were eating the free lunch while the upper-classmen in classes A and B paid for a more expensive lunch."

It surprised me that Fūka went and talked to the upper-class man "I didn't think you would talk to anyone, you generally ignore most people from what I've seen."

"You're right, but in this scenario, I was interested in trying to figure more about the S-system." she paused before continuing, "I think there is a possibility of class competition in the future."

"What makes you say that? Do you have any evidence to point towards it?"

"There are cram schools that sort the students from most capable to least capable, if we think about the school doing the same and the reason why students in class C and D are the ones who are generally eating the free lunch then it makes sense."

I nodded to show that I was understanding, I had never been to a cram school before so I couldn't see it from that perspective but it does make sense. Fūka has shown a great deal of competence, I knew she was smart but this is better than what I initially thought.

"Doesn't this kind of ruin your whole not working with the class thing?" I asked Fūka. "If our classes are competing won't you be forced to?"

"Hahaha, who knows, but you're also not working with that class by withholding information from them, aren't we in the same boat here?" said my seatmate.

"You may be right... I guess we just have to wait and see..... do you still want to go to the club fair?" I asked her.

Fūka nodded.

I closed the window and we made our way to the gymnasium, class competition sounded simple but It could be a problem to my goal of having a peaceful life. For some reason, I feel that there is more that I don't know about S-System and I'm unsure what is it.

When we arrived at the gymnasium, there were a lot more people here than I was expecting.

"Why did you want to come here Fūka? You don't strike me as someone interested in joining a club." I wanted to see her intentions for coming here.

She was looking around the gymnasium and said, "I'm trying to find interesting people."

"Finding Interesting people? How do you do that?"

"It's just my intuition, and my intuition is telling me you're far more than meets the eye."

'That's not logical though' I thought to myself before answering her "Is that why you decided to follow me yesterday?"

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