Vacation almost...

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Hey everyone, this is a story that is in my one shot book Adventures of Pumpkin and Friends, but got to long for that one shot book. Thanks Descendantsfan03 for the request and letting me use Little Mal and the quints in this story it means a lot.

A few more things before we start. These chapters will be posted out of order due to some requests I've already done that go with this story. The first probably fifteen chapters are  already done and you've probably already read. Anyway I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

Come on pups it's career day at the school and we have got yet another assembly to do.. Georgie says tiredly as they had been going around to different schools everyday this week, and it was getting tiring. Pumpkin and Mira just nods, as they jump down off the couch turning off the news they were watching. "Another assembly?" Mira asks as Pumpkin just nods, "Yep welcome to another ordinary day in the therapy dog life." Pumpkin says as Mira sighs letting Georgie leash her up. As they headed towards the car.

The two pups instantly lie down resting again as they saw Georgie roll her eyes at them through the mirror. You two are lucky you know you don't always have to drive is everywhere Georgie told them as they both bark out a laugh. Why did assembly's have to be so early? They eventually made it to the school where they started to set up, You two ready for this? Georgie asks as the two dogs nod, before seeing someone they knew, the boy ran up to them, "Miss Georgie, Pumpkin it's so good to see you again!" The boy exclaimed making Georgie look up from her phone that she had her presentation on.

"Hey Nathan, how's your brother and your mother doing?"" Georgie asks as Nathan smile, "Much better my mom got a new job and Matthew is doing better. They're hoping to have him home tommorow as long as we follow his medication schedule." Nathan says excitedly as Georgie has an idea, "Hey Nate do you want to be my helper today I need an extra Georgie told Nathan who's eye's lit up. "Yes please!" Nathan says excited as both dogs bark out a laugh at the young boy.

"Alright then and Nathan do you think you can watch these two for just a minute. I have to see where Elena is she should have been here by now Georgie told Nathan who nods, Yeah sure just don't be late for the assembly my friends are excited to see you!" Nathan told Georgie who nods, "Don't worry I won't this will only take a moment"

Georgie went outside for a minute seeing that Elena was just arriving, "Hey Miss Georgie, sorry I'm late the doctor had to make sure I didn't have any reaction to the medicine he gave me." Elena explained. "It's fine Lena, but the assembly starts in five minutes so let's start getting up there alright Georgie says as Elena nods, "Okay!" Elena says as Georgie phone starts ringing, but she ignores it until Elena says, "Aren't you going to answer it? It could be important." Georgie sighs as Elena was right.

Yeah I'm answering do me a favor Lena and tell Pumpkin and Mira to come out here for a moment." Georgie asked as Elena nods, "Yeah sure! They'll be right out." Elena says wheeling herself into the school as Georgie answered the phone realizing it was Tessa

"Hey Tess what's up?" Georgie asked in confusion as both Pumpkin and Mira  come out cocking their heads in confusion as Tessa always called later at night, not during the morning and certainly not during work hours. Something had to be up. The voice on the other line answered, "A lot actually. Listen I need a favor, can Mal and I stay over at your place for a while?" Tessa asked the pups and owner exchanged confused glances, "I guess you can stay over as long as you don't mind my house being grand central station as I do have quite  a lot of people schedule to visit this week. And just curious how long are we talking about." Georgie asked Tessa looking at the time and realizing they only had a minute before the  assembly.

"Um... indefinitely..." Tessa told Georgie who nods still confused, "When will you be here," Georgie asked Tessa who told her, "I'm about fifteen minutes out, so soon. Georgie  sighs as she had locked her doors, "Alright Tessa I'm busy until one and I locked my door. My next door neighbor on the right side should have a key since she checks on Pumpkin and Mira when I'm not around. I'll call her and tell her your coming, I'm sure she won't mind unlocking the door. Make yourselves comfortable, now I really have to go I have a school assembly I need to get into." Georgie told Tessa who answers back, "Okay thanks Georgie it means a lot. And I know your probably confused but I'll explain in person." Tessa tells Georgie who nods, "Alright sounds good see you soon Tess." Georgie told Tessa before hanging up and speed walking inside Pumpkin and Mira quickly followed.

"Who's Mal I have heard about Tessa a dozen times, but I never heard Mal's name mentioned before." Mira told Pumpkin who cocks her head, "I can't believe I haven't told you about Mal! She is one of the best children ever she loves adventures just like I do!" Pumpkin's barks out excitedly as Mira internally groans before saying, "Great another one. I can barely keep you out of trouble now we'll have a visitor who does the same" Mira tells Pumpkin who rolls her eyes, "I'm not that bad," Pumpkin barks out as Mira rolls her eyes, "Oh really. Tell me one time you were able to get out of trouble by yourself." Mira asks raising eyebrow.

"Point taken. I thought you were shy Pumpkin grumbles out making Mira laugh as Georgie continued to talk about therapy dogs . "Your my sister I'm not shy around you now that I know you, and even shy dogs have things to say." Mira says before Georgie came over to them. "I guess it's time to show them exactly what we can do." Mira tells Pumpkin who nods. "Oh yeah I wonder what we're starting with today."

Pumpkin says as she listens to Georgie who continues talking, "My therapy and therapy in training dogs are taught various courses to also help with medical things. Both Pumpkin and Mira know how to scent asthma attacks, panic attacks, diabetes and some cancers. Unlike service dogs they don't know exactly how to help, but they do know a special signal for each for I can know something is going on. Though you may never notice it because they look like normal signs. I'll show you what I mean Nathan has diabetes. Pumpkin Mira."

Georgie says as both Pumpkin and Mira sit crossing their front paws as Georgie nods this is the sign that says hey your blood sugar is to low or high, it tells me to call a nurse for assistance." Georgie explained as Pumpkin and Mira  nod. "Alright well does anyone have any questions before we have to go Georgie asked noticing no one raise their hands raised, "Alright then thank you so much for your time, and I hope you learned some new things." Georgie says walking off the stage helping Elena down, "Alright Elena, let's get you back to the children's hospital." Georgie tells the eight year old who nods, Alright Miss Georgie, I had fun today thanks so much  for inviting me." Elena says as Georgie nods "You're welcome Lena. Now we better get going I have to get home"

About twenty minutes later Georgie was heading home  both her dogs lying down by each other. "So Pumpkin tell me more about Mal. " Mira told Pumpkin who wagged her tail, "Where do I begin we have had some crazy adventures."  Pumpkin told Mira who snickered, "I bet." Mira says as the white dog laughs, "Yeah we do, again you're going to love her." Pumpkin barks out as as Mira rolls her eyes, "We'll see." Mira told her as Mira was always more quiet and rather be with her two best friends Seashell and Clover as they always seemed to understand her, and Mira wasn't sure she wanted to stranger to her staying in their house indefinitely. Yes she was use to the house calls but they never stayed. This would be a whole new adventure for them.

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