Making A Hard Choice

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Hey guys sorry for such the long wait I had no inspiration  and rewrote  this quite a few times. Thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting  me use Little Mal and the Quints  it means a lot and I really hope you enjoy💖

Note: the characters  of Manifest will only  be mention  in this story due to various  reasons  fo not ask me to write about  them if you want that go Wheen All Heck Breaks loose or Adventures of Pumpkin

The next few days were hard on Tessa and the quints as Georgie  knew it would be. She went with Tessa  to the hospital  sometimes, usually  doing  her volunteer work or hanging  out with one of the kids. While Tessa was with Mal.

Some days she didn't  go opting to go to the nursing home or VA hospital  that also needed her and her pups services. She had also went to her makeup job to see how many paid vacation  days she had since she had only used one so far. She loved her job and loved doing  it everyday, but she knew Tessa and Mal  may need her more now, and she was willing to drop work  for a little while. In fact her broadway job would be way easier than her therapy dog society since there was only one other  therapy dog handler, and she would feel bad leaving him to deal with all that especially  since the patient was us to her sweet, crazy lovable dogs

She took her usual day off and stays in the house cleaning  up what she can, it takes a lot not to go into the playroom and clean it as it was getting  on her last nerve, but she was trying  to learn how to ignore it.

That's when her phone rings Georgie  sighs, going to get it. She answered  it and there revealed a young woman  and a ten year old Georgie  smiles at them "Hey Grace, hi Olive, um what do you need?" Georgie  asks in confusion as they usually only called when Olive needed a babysitter.

Hey Georgie,  Cal and Doctor Bahl said you hadn't  been around in a while, and we wanted to check in since again you haven't  been around  lately, and to say Saanvi  really wants to see you she says it's important." Grace says as Georgie mutters  a curse under her breath. She had been so busy that she had forgotten  to go to that side of the children's  hospital  when she visited

"Oh my gosh I'm  so sorry I'm  fine… I've  just been crazy busy and I totally  forgot  to  stop by." Georgie  rambles out as Grace  smiles, at the younger woman understanding that Georgie  was busy and by the look of her background her house looked a mess.

"I get that since I own my own restaurant, and it definitely  gets busy. You're okay though? You seem a bit stressed." Grace says as Georgie  nods.

"I'm fine and I'll  get ready to go visit  Cal, and a few other cancer kids. Also I won't  be able to babysit  for a while. I'm busy  as heck right now. I'm also probably  going  to take a break from therapy  work too." Georgie  says quietly  as Grace nods.

"Do what you need to do, we understand.  And Cal will definitely  be happy to see you. Bye Georgie  take care of yourself and your  pups." Grace says as Georgie  nods. Before  realizing  something she would  most likely  have to have that conversation  with quite a few other people so they wouldn't  get upset or worried Georgie  basically  lived at her work places. It would be confusing if she just randomly  stopped coming. 

She grabs her bag and then heads out  with Pumpkin  and Mira. If Tessa needed her she would call, and Georgie  had a lot of people she needed to talk too. It was going  to be a long day.


The first stop was the children's  hospital. The mighty helper already  knew what was going  on, and knew there next playdate was on Saturday, but she had thirty other kids who expected her to come every Tuesday, Thursday  and a few other times a week. Including  Nathan's  little brother Cal and Doctor Bahl who sought Georgie  out time to time as the doctor  got overwhelmed  easily.

"Miss Georgie, why haven't  you come to visit!" Cal asks as the woman walks into his room the two therapy  dogs  following  behind. Georgie  just ruffles the boys very thin hair.

"Hey bud, and I'm  sorry I haven't  came to see you in a while. Something  came up  and I've  been neck deep in work." Georgie  apologizes  Cal just smiles at her hugging Georgie  from where she was sitting  for a moment.

"It's fine I just miss playing  monopoly with  you and winning! Ooh, are you  coming  to our weekly  monopoly  game on Saturday?" Cal asks excitedly  as he and his sister loved that game Georgie  just sighs she hated letting  the sick kids down.

"Well, buf… that's what I came in today for. I'm  sorry bud but right now my life is crazy and I don't  think  I'll  be able to visit  for a while lest come to our annual  challenges.  I'm  so sorry." Georgie  says quietly  Cal Cal just  sighs before  nodding. 

"I understand, but when whatever is going  on is over you owe me as many monopoly  games as you missed!" Cal says, causing  Georgie  to chuckle.

"I promise I will." Georgie  says before  hearing  quick footsteps from behind  and smiling  she had a feeling  Saanvi  would take this harder than Cal did. "Dr. Bahl." She greeted Saanvi who just smiled.

"Miss McCall, glad to see your back." The researcher said  kindly as Georgie  sighs.

"About that… Saanvi don't  freak out but this is my last visit for a while. Something is going  on  at home that I  can't  ignore  and that needs to have my full attention." Saanvi just looks at Georgie  nervously. 

"You'll  still answer your calls right?' Saanvi questions.  Georgie  immediately nods she knew people  would  still need her, especially  the nervous  doctor and she wouldn't  stop house calls or zoom meetings  for a long shot.

"Of course  I  will. If you need anything  at all, call me. I'll  answer when I can." Georgie  says with a smile as Saanvi  just sighs with relief and nods.

"Okay, as long as there is some way I can contact  you." Saanvi says as Georgie nods.

"Thank you  so much for understanding." Georgie  says as Saanvi nods.

"No pro  I can tell some of the other kids if you  want. Gosh know how long it would take you to get around  the whole children's hospital. " Saanvi  says, causing  Georgie  to smile.

"That'd be great, send them my apologies. '' Georgie  told Saanvi  before  giving one last wave to Cal and then heading  to Matt's  room.


Why you have to go?" Matt asks in confusion  he didn't  want  his puppy friends to leave, he wanted them to come. Georgie  just sighs that it was hard for him and her.

"Because  Miss Georgie has a lot of things to do. Listen cutie we'll  be back we promise  with all our  hearts and when we come back we'll  bring  you a new horsy deal?" Pumpkin  asks as Matt nods.

"Otay Pumpkin, but no be to long." Matt says as Georgie  smiles, hugging the boy. 

"Don't  worry  baby we won't.?" Georgie  promised before  heading  out. She hoped she could  keep her promise  to Matt, he needed the pups just as much as Tessa  and Mal did right now. So did everyone  else she visited,  but Tessa and Mal needed her and the pups the most now all she had to deal with was her boss. God help her.

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