I'll Always be there

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Hey everyone this one shot was requested by Descendantsfan03 Thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me mention little Mal and the Quints in this one shot it means a lot, anyways I hope everyone enjoys if you do vote and comment 💖

"Well Mal's asleep," Tessa says to Georgie who was reading a new book that she had gotten from the bookstore a few days prior in the living room." That's good." Georgie replies, putting the book down, leaving her bookmark in it. Making both dogs huff as they were enjoying the book. "How are you doing Tessa?" Georgie asks as she could tell Tessa was putting on a strong face for Mal, but she also didn't want to push Tessa into talking as she has been through too many experiences to know that pushing wasn't the answer even through her own experiences. "Yeah, I'm just glad Mal is doing okay." Tessa says Georgie could see through the lie though since she had always been good at reading people which sometimes she loved while other times she despised.

But again Georgie didn't want to push so she let it go, before hearing her calendar notification go off. "Jeez I forgot about that,." Georgie mumbles, looking at her pups then Tessa. "Tessa I've got a meeting to attend in about fifteen minutes I should probably get ready for it." Georgie says as her hair was a matted mess at this point of the night and put a little bit of makeup on. "A meeting this late?" Tessa questions as Georgie just nods, "Yeah I try to do a meeting when I don't have Mal running around the house." Georgie says that her meeting with the New York Therapy chief usually required Georgie to have her fullest attention at the video meeting. "Oh okay, well goodnight, I guess I'll go to bed." Tessa says.

This makes Georgie feel kind of bad as Tessa sounded kind of sad about it, but Georgie was falling behind on so much work that she had to at least get some done. To keep herself certified as a therapy dog handler, and to keep her job at Broadway. "Hey you know if you need to talk you can always come talk to me. I'll never be too busy, and I'm sure my boss will understand." Georgie says even though she wasn't quite sure if her boss would understand or not. "Georgie it's fine, Mal and I have been holding you back from your jobs. I don't want you to lose that because of us. You worked so hard to get here." Tessa says as Georgie nods.

"Yeah, but you're part of the reason I'm where I am today. Tessa you'll never ever be a burden to me please remember that." Georgie says as her phone begins to ring. "Well that's him, are you sure you don't want me to reschedule this I can."Georgie says as Tessa shakes her head.  "Georgie I'm fine now take the call please I don't want you getting in trouble because of me." Tessa says, as Georgie reluctantly nods, she was definitely going to see if there was a way she could get some more time off during this call. +Alright, Pumpkin Mira let's go Georgie says.


Georgie goes to her room to answer the call her boss already setting off as soon as she answered the phone, "Georgia McCall this is the fifth time you reschedule you better have a very good reason  to put me off so long!" The male called out as everyone  in the chat room grimaces, "Uh yes sir, I had and still have some family business I had to attend to…" Georgie says trailing off as that was the best way she could describe it to her boss. The boss just cocked an eyebrow, "unfinished family business ehh. I thought you said your only family lived in Arizona, and that looks like your house, Ms. McCall." Georgie just rolled her eyes and wished her boss wasn't so formal. 

"Uh yes sir that is correct and yes sir. This is my house…" Georgie says trying to figure out a good excuse. When a fellow therapy dog handler spoke off. "Lay off of her sir. If she has family business she has family business. I'm pretty sure me and the others are more than willing to do her slice of work, plus she's overworked anyways. And let us remind you we're volunteers, we don't have to work for you." John called out as the others agreed. Georgie just sighs in relief as the boss huffed, "Alright but Ms. McCal Il expect you to be on your A game when you return from your family business that I will look into." The boss says as the whole group rolled their eyes as the boss left the chat. "Thanks guys that meant a lot." Georgie says as the other nods, "Of course we have to stick together, especially with a crazy boss like that." John says as Georgie nods, "Yeah, but still thanks." Georgie says as they nod again, "Well we better get off Georgie if you and your dogs need any help you know who to call." An actual therapist name Eliza calls out as the video chat ended. 

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