Getting Used To Living With A Four Year Old

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Hey everyone here's part 3 of this story thanks Descendantsfan03 for this request and for letting me use Little Mal. Anyways I really hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment💖

Did not proofread.

Pumpkin was resting on hers and Mira's bed bed as Mal was working to unzip her bag that looked a bit overstuffed. Pumpkin didn't understand exactly why Mal was there or acting so off, but she was still excited to have her friend around indefinitely. The white dog looked to her side but didn't see Mira beside her. Pumpkin cocked her head where did Mira go this time. "Mira where'd ya go ?" Pumpkin whisper yells as Mira came out of no where.

"Mira what were you doing?" Pumpkin asks in confusion as Mira replies quickly, "Hiding Sky I'm not letting this girl mix her up in her toys." Mira says quietly as she loved her stuffed blue bunny, and even though she knew Mal probably wouldn't mean to take her toy she didn't want it to get mixed in with hers. Pumpkin nods then walks over to Mal who was starting to take her toys out of the bag. "Hey Mal need any help with unpacking Mira and I would love to help." Pumpkin tells Mal who nods slowly, "Otay" she says as Pumpkin goes to grab some of the toys and then lined them up on the floor. As Mal just threw them.

Mira quickly realized how much of a mess Pumpkin and Mal we're making so she started organizing it a bit better until she heard the four year old cry out, "Stop it I wike it the way it was." The four year old cried out as she was having a rough time transitioning to another home and she didn't like the small dog she didn't know well reorganizing her toys when she had them the way she wanted them.

Mira flinched back at the cry and quickly moved away. Mira really didn't like loud noises or kids very much she didn't mind Elena and Nathan, but they were older and wasn't half as loud. As the other children Pumpkin visits. That's why she always prefer nursing homes and veteran hospital as even though they got loud sometimes it was better then kids who are loud for fun. That's also why she enjoyed living with Georgie.

Georgie was usually quiet and calm. Not to mention she kept a clean house which is exactly why Mira was trying to keep their room clean as Georgie would freak out if she saw their room this messy. "Sorry Mal." Mira says before jumping on the bed Pumpkin and her shared just watching as she didn't want Mal to be loud again, and she could also feel the little girls hurt sense she had been specifically trained for it. Mal wasn't as troubled as Mina but something was going on in her life.

Mira didn't want to bother Mal though as kids was more of Pumpkin's turf not hers, and she didn't want Mal to be loud again. She just kept watching Pumpkin and Mal and the ever growing pile of toys. Mira quickly grabs Pumpkin stufedf animals and quickly put them in her hiding place. So they would not get confused with Mal's because Pumpkin's toys were the same color as Mal's.

When she came back Mal and Pumpkin were looking at a fish. "Where did that even come from?" Mira asked herself, as she hadn't seen it at all before. Mira just cocks her head in confusion. Before backing up to see just how much of a mess they had made, and gaped at it. "Pumpkin come here a minute please." Mira says as she knew Georgie was definitely going to freak out if she saw this. Pumpkin looked at Mira confused for a moment as she walks over gazing at the mess as well. "Great street dogs! Georgie is going to get us, and that isn't even all of them." Pumpkin whisper yells not wanting Mal to hear their conversation.

Mira gapes, "She has more! Pumpkin what are we going to do?" Mira asks in a bit of a panic before hearing Georgie call her, "Mira she wants to see you!" Georgie called out as Mira looked to Pumpkin who gets an idea. "Keep instructor lady on the phone for as long as you can I'll go see if Tessa can help." Pumpkin says as Mira nods in agreement. "Got it, but be quick you know Georgie will hang up on instructor lady if she talks to much." Mira says as Pumpkin nods knowing Mira was right. "I will and if that happens distract her as long as you can." Pumpkin says as Mira nods hearing her name being called again.

"Alright Pumpkin I'll be back." Mira says running off towards the living room. As Pumpkin nods before looking to Mal. "Mal I'm going to check on your Auntie Tessa really quick okay?" Pumpkin asks as Mal sighs and nods, "Otay." Pumpkin once again looks at the girl worriedly. Before running to the guest room barking at Tessa. "Tessa can you please tell Mal to clean up just a bit please." Pumpkin barks out making Tessa look up from her bag as she was still unpacking as well.

"Oh hey Pumpkin what's up?" Tessa asks as Pumpkin nods back to hers and Mira's room. "Does Mal need help unpacking Tessa asks in confusion as Pumpkin nods, "Yeah let's say that's what we need." Pumpkin barks out as she really just wanted Tessa to follow her.  "Alright I'm guessing that's a yes right?" Tessa asks as Pumpkin barks again, "Just hurry up." Pumpkin says leading her to their room.

Tessa follows looking at the room, "Oh I see why you did this Diva Dog, like me you know Georgie is going to freak out seeing this mess. " Tessa says as Pumpkin nods "Mal, cutie can you please, please put some of those toys in that tote right there?" Tessa asks quietly as Mal shook her head no, "No I wike it the way it is!" Mal says as Tessa sighs knowing what her friends reaction would be to this. "Please Mal?"  Tessa asks as Mal shales her head again, "No!" Tessa sighs giving in. She would just have to calm Georgie down when she saw this place.


Mira groans why did she get this job? This lady was so boring, and keeping her talking was tough since Mira didn't  like listening to statistics about therapy dogs it didn't matter, and she could tell Georgie was about to end the call. She had to keep Georgie away from her room though so she kept on acting like it was fascinating.

"What's gotten into you Hero Dog? I thought you didn't like listening to this." Georgie says quietly as Mira groans, "I don't." She grumbles but continues to listen until she heard the end button being clicked by Georgie. "Thank the  street dog. Now just to keep her out of our room." Mira says as Georgie got up. "Alright Mira let's go see how Mal and Tessa are settling in." Georgie says as Mira shake her head no.

"No let's go for a walk." Mira suggested, but she didn't get through to Georgie as Georgie started walking towards the hall Mira rushes after her trying to stop her.


Georgie walks into the puppy's and Mal's temporary room, "What the heck happened in here!" Georgie says slightly freaking out as she had never seen this room so messy as usually only Elena and Nathan stay in there and both of them were seven, and cleaned up after themselves, she wasn't use to a four year old who didn't necessarily care if the room looked messy.

Both Mira and Pumpkin step toward her looking at Georgie as if waiting for something more to happen. Tessa then came up to Georgie, "Georgie I know that the room is messy, and I'm sorry I tried to get her to pick up a bit, but she wouldn't. She's only four Georgie." Tessa says as Georgie take a deep breath and sighs, "I know Tessa, I'm sorry I'm… we aren't use to this yet we only had Elena and Nathan stay her before so it just going to take us few days to adjust to the mess." Georgie says as the pup's nod.

Tessa nods, "Yeah I know it did for me too, when I started living with my sisters, but you'll get use to it eventually. " Tessa says as Georgie nods before seeing her dogs that we're looking outside then to Georgie. "Is there anything else I need to know about Mal because I would like to know what I'm getting myself into. If not these two need a walk." Georgie says as Tessa began speaking.

"Yeah there is, first off Mal does not understand the word boundaries so she will literally burst into your room at anytime of day so I suggest that if you guys are doing anything important lock the door. Another thing is that she'll put her toys anywhere. So suspect it being messy everywhere. She is loud sometimes so be ready for some more noise as well." Tessa says as Georgie nods taking it all in.

"Okay I'll remember that. Now I need to take these girls on a walk. Would you like to join us?" Georgie questions as Tessa shakes her head, "No thanks Georgie, but thanks for asking Tessa says. Georgie one again nods before saying, "Okay then, Pumpkin, Mira let's go." Georgie says walking out of the room Pumpkin and Mira following behind.

Adventures Of Living With A Four Year OldWhere stories live. Discover now