Low Blood Sugar and Fainting= Panic

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Hey everyone I here's part 4 of this mini story and sorry for the long wait. Thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Little Mal in this story and some of The dialogue it means a lot. If you haven't yet you should check out her stories and texting stories they are amazing, and some of the feature Pumpkin Mira if you want to see more of them. Anyway I hope you enjoy if you did vote and comment 💖

Did not proofread

Pumpkin and Mira then saw Georgie giving Tessa one of the thermometers that was under the living room table, and both look at each other in even more concern then before since Georgie rarely used that one. They then saw Tessa run back into the bathroom. The two dogs went to Georgie and looked at her worriedly before doing the sign for a panic attack as Tessa was clearly panicking. Making Georgie sighs, "Yeah I know girls I can feel it too." Georgie says quietly petting both of them. As she was concerned too for both Tessa and Mal.

Thanks again Descendantsfan03 for letting me use some of your dialogue it means a lot💖

Pumpkin and Mira just sat there for a long moment in silence other than the fact they could hear Tessa talking pretty loudly before Tessa came out with Mal, "Is she okay does she have a fever." Georgie questions watching Tessa who nods "101.5." Tessa says as she went to the fridge and grabbed the third soda that Mal would have today, making Mira and Pumpkin look to Georgie as that definitely wasn't healthy, and the kind of expected their owner to get mad as the two animals knew Georgie and she made sure all they had around was healthy the only reason their was a soda stash was because she had the kids over for a sleepover a few days prior and they forgot to take it home with them.

Tessa then sat Mal down on one of the chairs as Georgie notices, "Tessa that's like her third soda today." Georgie says as Mal says , "I need it!" Georgie just shakes her head no, "No you don't that's unhealthy, and your new temporary guardian should know that." Georgie says glaring at Tessa for a moment before turning her attention to Mal and her dogs.

"Georgie it's all she wants to drink right now I tried to get her to drink water, but she refused and said she wanted the soda." Tessa told Georgie who looked to her pups who were still just watching her as Georgie sighs knowing Tessa was just trying her best to keep Mal safe and healthy, but drinking three cans wasn't healthy it was way to much sugar. "Tessa this isn't healthy for her. She shouldn't be taking in that much sugar." Georgie told Tessa.


Pumpkin and Mira just watch their owner and Tessa arguing with one another. Both sniffing the air as they still smelled the weird smell on Mal. That's when all the pieces started coming together. Mal had a fever she made a mess and was ill tempered, not to mention she was getting so much sugar the smell finally clicked. It was the smell they smelled on Nathan everytime his blood sugar was low! "Mira I finally figured out what the weird smell is." Pumpkin told Mira who looks at her. "Well what is it." Mira asks curiosity and concern in her voice.

"Low blood sugar." Pumpkin barks out as Mira immediately recognizes it after Pumpkin said that. "Your right! I knew I recognized the smell." Mira says as Pumpkin nods. "We need to alert Georgie and Tessa, Mira." Pumpkin says. She then looks to Georgie before doing the signal. Mira followed this action.

Georgie looks over to her pup quickly realizing the signal and her concern rises. That signal meant low blood sugar, Georgie quickly looks to Mal and had to remind herself that this could be worse, and this wasn't the worst sign Pumpkin and Mira did. But she still was concerned and slightly paniked "Okay scratch that!" Georgie says as Tessa looked at her, "What's going on she asked in confusion as Georgie looked at the pups again looking at their paws.

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