Anxieties From The Past

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Hey everyone here's part 6 of the mini story Descendantsfan03 requested also thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Little Mal and the Quints it means a lot and I really hope you enjoy. Anyway I hope everyone enjoys if you do vote and comment 💖

Did not proofread.

Once Tessa leaves the room Georgie let's herself slump on the plastic chair. If you would have told her earlier today when she was setting up for the assembly that her life could change within a few hours she wouldn't have believed it but now she did as she was sitting in a hospital room with two therapy dogs in an all to familiar scene that reminded her of Nathan's diabetes scare a few months before.

Pumpkin sighs looking at her owner worriedly "Mira something up with Georgie." Pumpkin told her sister who nods slightly, it feels and smells like anxiety. I sensed it when I got Mina to rethink suicide. Georgie's smell isn't that strong though, I think she's just worried about Mal, and probably thinking how we could have at least prevented her fainting." Mira says softly as she had a feeling Georgie was feeling the way she sometimes did at the rescue. When one of her friends were put down. She wanted to help but there wasn't much she could do back then."

But Georgie has dealt with this before remember Nathan?" Pumpkin says as Mira nods, "Yeah, but Pumpkin that was truly scary! Not to mention we had two other kids Georgie couldn't freak out in front of them, and Pumpkin have you actually thought about how much has happened in the past few hours her life basically changed within a day it's a lot to take especially compared to our usual quiet and clean home."

Mira barks  out before hopping on Georgie's lap. "Oh hey Mira. I'm okay girl just worried is all." That's when she heard fast footstep and saw April and whom she assumed was her boyfriend. Georgie just sighs as Pumpkin and Mira both did the panic sign making Georgie laugh a little. "You know you don't have to do that Everytime someone's panicking right otherwise you'll be doing it all day." Georgie says making the dogs wag their tails a bit because for the first time in the last few hours her voice was calm, and didn't have any lace of sternness or worry in it.

That's when Mira perked up as she smelled a familiar smell of her brother. "Pumpkin, Shiloh is here somewhere I smell him." Mira says wagging her tails as she wanted to see her brother as it had been a few day compared to the everyday thing they were use to. That's when Shiloh ran over basically pulling Elena's chair. "Shiloh heel!" Elena calls out to her dog who obediently stopped as Elena sees Georgie, and rolls over to Georgie, "Oh hey Elena what are you doing here?" Georgie asked as the seven year was supposed to be at the children's hospital with her mother not here.

Elena just smiles, "They were short on nurses and mom got called in so I did too. It's really boring though without Nathan or Emma to play with. And what are you doing just sitting here? Aren't you supposed to be… um well roaming the halls and talking to the patients and all that." Elena asks in confusion as Georgie just sighs. "It's a long story Elena." Georgie says as Elena looks to her, "Is it's about Mal. What happened?" Elena asks as Georgie sighs, "I think Mal has diabetes her blood sugar was dangerously low, and she fainted. I drove her and Tessa here that's why me and the pups are here, and just waiting." Georgie explains to the seven year old who just nods.

"Was it worse than when Nathan figured it out?" Elena asks with a shudder as Georgie shook her head, "About the same actually. Nathan's was just worse because we were not as well trained for it back then and I didn't have a Diabetes meter on me like I did this time." Georgie says as Elena laughs slightly, "Yeah that was the scariest day of our lives he just passed out, out of no where and freaked us all out." Elena says as Georgie nods, "Oh yeah that day I really started to question why I even did this, and wondered if I was even up to it." Georgie says as Elena smiles, "I'm glad you decided to stay in this job a lot of kids like Me, Nathan, Emma, and even Mal need someone like you and your pups." Elena says petting Mira and Pumpkin. Making Georgie smile, "Yeah I know and they are the reason why we do this right pups?" Georgie questions the dog who both bark in agreement.

Both Georgie and Elena laugh at the dogs, "They definitely know how to express themselves don't they?" Elena says as Georgie chuckles, "Oh yeah that's why I call Pumpkin Diva Dog." Georgie says with a laugh as Elena smiles, "How did you gets Mira's nickname?" Elena asks curiously making Georgie laugh, "Um well now that's a long story, and sort of dark. But let's say Mira saved someone's life." Georgie says as Elena nods as she looked to her dog. "Hey when can we all spend the night again?" Elena asks as Georgie sighs, "I don't know Lena. Probably not for a while since I have Tessa and Mal living with me and don't have room for all three of you, but I'll tell you what I'll take you to work with me after my week "vacation" is over. How does that sound.?"

Georgie asks  as Elena nods happily, "Yes that sounds amazing I love working with you and I can't wait to see all the other staff members again." Elena says excitedly as Georgie laugh "Yeah I know you do. That's why I offered and everyone has been asking where my little helper was." Georgie told Elena who chuckles again as she looked to Shiloh, "Can Shy Shy come too?" Elena asks as Georgie smiles., "I don't see why not he is a therapy dog in training  like Mira so I don't think they would mind." Georgie tells Elena who nods before seeing Tessa coming out of the doors making Elena look to Georgie. "Should I go?" Elena asks Georgie who shook her head, "No you're fine Elena, you know I don't like you roaming the hospital alone." Georgie tells Elena who nods. Before Georgie looks at Tessa "Hey Tessa how's Mal, and what was wrong with her?" Georgie asked before waiting for an answer even though she was pretty sure she knew what was wrong with Mal.

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