Something's Not Right

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Hey everyone here part four of this many story. Thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use little Mal for this story and some of the dialogue. If you haven't yet you should watch her texting story called Evie's Struggle that this mini story goes with. Anyways I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

Did not proofread

"So what's going on with Mal? " Pumpkin barks out as they walk around the neighborhood. As she was curious but didn't want to ask Mal as she was a bit irritable lately. Georgie sighs, "It has been rough for them you two I'll leave it that, but I do have a request." Georgie tells her two dogs as she knew they were curious about this whole thing, but she didn't want to tell them. Both dogs just nod.

"And what is that." Pumpkin asks as Mira nods Georgie looks at her dogs, "Keep an eye on Mal it's been rough for her lately and she could use some therapy dogs to keep her company stay close to her and if you notice anythings really off come to me okay." Georgie says as Mira and Pumpkin nods, "Yeah of course we'll do our jobs!" Mira barks out as Georgie phone's ring."Alright girl Lena's calling who want to talk to her?" Georgie asks playfully as Pumpkin and Mira both bark happily. "Alright then. hey Lena" Georgie says through the phone.

"Hey Georgie Shiloh says he need to talk to Mira and Pumpkin be says it's important." Elena says making Georgie laugh their hear and I'm on speaker so go ahead Shiloh" Georgie called out to the dog, "Guys help me Elena is like a crazy fashionista!" Shiloh barks out desperately as Pumpkin and Mira chuckle, "Sorry can't help you there bro." Mira barks out as Shiloh groans.

Making Elena laugh, "Apparently Shiloh doesn't like being dressed up. But I still do it to him anyway." Elena says making Georgie laugh, "That poor pup. Wait that gives me an idea. Elena do you have some kind of dragon costume for Shiloh?" Georgie asks as she may have an idea to cheer Mal up just a bit.

She could feel Elena's confusion through the phone before hearing, "Yeah I have two a toothless one and a handmade one that Emma made for Shiloh. What is this about Miss Georgie?" Elena asks as Georgie explained, "I have two visitors who could really use a cute dog in a dragon costume. Do you think you can hook me up sometime?" Georgie asks through the phone, as Elena giggles, "Yeah sure when do I need to do it?" Elena asks Georgie excitedly as she loved seeing Georgie and dressing up Shiloh.

"I'll have to get back to you on that Lena, but thanks now I have to go it's hot out here and I want to check on how my guests are doing. Bye." Georgie says hanging up on the seven year old. "Come on girls let's go home, but be quiet I don't know what Mal and Tessa are doing and we don't want to wake Mal if she is asleep I don't think she got much sleep last night.

Thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use your dialogue for the next few paragraphs 💖

Georgie tells the dogs who nod, as they go back in quietly shutting the door and heading to the living room once they didn't see them there she went to Mal's room. Where Tessa put her finger to her mouth as Georgie and the pups nod. "Okay we need to very quiet and let's stay out of this room for a few hours." Tessa told Georgie who nods, "Come on girls Mal's going to sleep for a little bit." Georgie told them.

Mira listens but not before catching a whiff of something that didn't smell quite right but she really didn't get to analyze it as she obeyed Georgie. Pumpkin on the other hand shook her head as she gently climbs up on the bed giving Georgie a look that said, "You said stay close to her that's what I'm doing." Making Georgie sigh, "Alright you can stay, but don't wake her up okay Diva Dog?" Georgie asks Pumpkin quietly who nods. As Georgie and Mira left the room and headed back to the living room. Where Tessa was sitting once she sat down.

"Georgie, she's worrying me." Tessa says worriedly as Georgie looked to Mira who whimpers quietly before nodding. "Yeah she's kinda worrying me a little too, but Tess this is a lot for her to handle. She's probably just trying to adjust to it all." Georgie said as she knew from experiences with children like this that sometimes this was there way of adjusting, but something was also nagging her as well, by the way Mira had been holding her paw up

Mira had never did that before except when Mina was hanging off the side of a building it was something that is Mira's way of saying danger. But Mira hadn't done any of the paw signs she knew yet so she let it go as Mira being paranoid before looking back to Tessa who started talking again.

"I know but she's just not the same right now and it's scaring me. She's normally so happy and jumpy, and always smiling. Right now she's barely even her. She's like zoning out. And she's throwing tantrums so much more now. Mal doesn't normally throw tantrums like this. I mean yeah she has a few here and there but nothing like this." Tessa says as Georgie nods again, "Like I said Tess this is all new to her she's probably just not use to all these changes. I'm sure things will get better as she adjust more and this is just temporary right." Georgie says looking to Mira again who was now on her lap. Tessa sighs, "Yeah but still I'm worried." Tessa says before Mal comes in running in sobbing.


Mira sighs something just wasn't right with Mal, but she couldn't pinpoint what. She knew it just wasn't adjusting either. She was wondering if Pumpkin had smelled the same thing or was it just her? She could tell how she was acting was worrying Georgie a little bit though, so she tried to keep the feeling down until she knew exactly what she smelled.

Mira sighs though as she listens to her owner and Tessa talking, Human talk was boring especially when you have other things on your mind. Like what was wrong with Mal. Mira had seen so many sick kids so far, and she was still a therapy dog in training. It was hard to determined where she had smelled it.

Mira was snapped out with her thoughts when Mal ran in the room Pumpkin walking behind her before barking for Mira, "Mira something is wrong!" Pumpkin says as Mira barked back, "Yeah I can see that! What happened." Mira asks as Pumpkin motioned for Mira to go out the dog door. As Mira sighs hearing the sobbing coming from the four year old, and nods following Pumpkin outside

"So I'm not the only one who is smelling it? Mira says as Pumpkin shakes her head, "Of course I smell it I just don't want to worry Tessa, Mal or Georgie most likely over some kind of false alarm " Pumpkin says s Mira nods,"I think Georgie is already sensing our anxiety though. For someone who can't hear dogs talk she is so good at telling what we feel."

Mira says as Pumpkin nods, "Yeah I know what you mean. So do you know what the smell is?" Pumpkin asks Mira who shook her head no. "I can't seem to place it even though I know I smelled it before. So no how about you?" Mira asks Pumpkin who shakes her head. "Alright then let's go back in." Mira says walking back in through the dog door. To see a frantic Tessa talking to Georgie, and then the unmistakable smell of vomit something was most definitely wrong.

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