Greetings and Explanations

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Hey everyone, Thank you Descendantsfan03 for this request. And thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Little Mal for this story. If you haven't read her stories yet you really should they are amazing! Anyways I hope you enjoy prt 2 of this story if you do vote and comment💖

Did not proofread.

Alright girls were here, let's go get Mal and Tessa settled in, and remember I have a call to take with the main therapy dog trainer at two so I'll need you to help them get settled in as well, because you know the dog trainer loves talking my ear off. Georgie tells her two pups who nod. "Yes Georgie we will now let us in." Pumpkin barks excitedly as Mira just looks up at Georgie. Georgie laughs and pick Mira up, "Mira you'll be fine their just like any other people I know Pumpkin talks highly of them, but there nothing to worry about." Georgie told Mira who nod as they walked into their home.

Pumpkin tries to run right in but Georgie holds her back, "Diva dog I need to get your Therapy dog vest off you. You are off duty." Georgie told the dog that rolls her eyes impatiently, "Hurry up." Georgie sighs taking off Pumpkin vest, "Pumpkin with me." She commands quietly as Pumpkin groans. "Seriously we're in our house." Pumpkin out to Mira who chuckled.

"Remember Pumpkin we're sharing our house for a bit. She probably just wants to make sure you don't surprise Tessa and Mal."Mira says half jokingly half seriously as Pumpkin groans, "I strongly dislike you right now." Pumpkin says as Mira smirked, "I love you two Pumpkin." Mira says pestering Pumpkin who let's it go as she see Mal in their living room. "Mal!" She barks happily as Mira just stayed in Georgie's arms trying to make herself small as possible.

Georgie then walked over to Tessa, "Hey Tess, and hi Mal." she says sitting on the couch beside her best friend giving her a quick hug. Tessa looks over to Georgie and smiles, "Hey G thanks for letting us stay here, you do not know how much it means to me." Tessa says as Georgie nods, "No problem I..." Georgie was cut off by growls from her dogs who were part of the family. Georgie quickly realized her mistake and continued, "We... don't mind at all do we Pumpkin and Mira?" Georgie asked the two dogs.

"Not at all." Both dogs bark at the same Mira's being quite a bit quieter. Tessa just chuckles at the white pup who was sitting by Mal wagging her tail furiously she then noticed the slightly smaller one in Georgie arms, "Oh that must be Mira." Tessa says sweetly making Mira shrink back even more as she was scared.

Georgie nods as she grabs a better hold of Mira, "Yeah this is her and sorry she's just really really shy around people, though don't underestimate her once she gets use to you, you don't hear the end of it." Georgie says as Tessa called Mal over, "Mal Georgie has another puppy you haven't met yet do you want to see her?" Tessa questions as Mal nods, getting up as Pumpkin follows her.

Mal sees the puppy and smiles, "Hi puppy what's your name mine is Mal." She says a little less enthusiasm in her voice then usual, and both dogs immediately picked up on it making them look at each other in confusion before Mira answers, "Oh um... I'm Mira, Pumpkin's new sister." Mira explained as Mal nods, "Otay." Mal says as Georgie gets up alerting the dogs who look to her.

"I guess I better show you two around, and your rooms so you can unpack." Georgie told them as Tessa nods, "Yeah that be nice." She says as she follows Georgie who was starting to walk.

"Come on then the kitchen is at the front and this is the living room." Georgie says before walking to the first room in the hallway. This room is usually where Pumpkin and Mira hangout, but it doubles as a kids room so this will be Mal's room for the time being." Georgie tells Tessa and Mal as they walk into the room

Mal looked at the room in sadness she didn't want to be here she wanted her mommy and all her aunties. She wanted to go home, but at least she could play with Pumpkin here, and she got to bring most of her toys and her fish Bubbles. She then had a question, "Pumpkin why is the room blue? You like purple just like me." Mal questions Pumpkin.

Pumpkin rolls her eyes, "I was nice and let Mira pick are room color." Pumpkin told Mal before Mira shakes her fur, "That's not what happened we betted each other that we could find the house we wanted. Whoever won got to choose our room color. I won so our room is turquoise." Mira explained. "Oh otay " Mal says making the pups look up at Georgie confused at why Mal was being quieter than usual. Georgie also noticed it as well and nods to her pups before turning to Tessa, "What's going on?" Georgie asked in confusion as Tessa sighs and shakes her head, "Not with Mal or your pups in the room." Tessa tells Georgie who nods in understanding.

Tessa than looks to Mal, "Hey Mal why don't you unpack your things while Georgie shows me my room I'll be just a few door over I'm sure." Tessa tells Mal placing Mal's bags on the floor. "Otay Auntie Tessa you pwomise." Mal asks as Tessa nods, "Yeah I promise. I'll just be a few doors down if you need me." Tessa told Mal who nods.

Georgie then looks at her dogs, "You stay here an help her get settled I'll call you if you're needed, " Georgie told Pumpkin and Mira who nod, "Alright." They bark as they sit down on their bed.


"So Tess, what's going on?" Georgie asks leading Tessa to the guest room. As Pumpkin Mira and Mal we're in their room. "It's a long story Georgie." Tessa told Georgie who crossed her arms and rolled her eyes knowing that was Tessa's way of trying to get out of talking about thing, "Tessa, your not getting out of this, I don't mind you staying here, but I at least want to know the reason why." Georgie told Tessa who sighs and nods.

"Alright the short version is that Evie tried to kill herself, but we caught her trying to so she's getting help. During that time, Mal can't see Evie, and I ended up getting temporary custody because April couldn't deal with her, and well you know Lola you had her pup sit Pumpkin before... And Ava has school so here we are, and that's why I don't know how long I'll have to stay here." Tessa told Georgie who hugs Tessa.

"I'm so sorry Tess, that has to be hard. Again stay as long as you two need I have plenty of space now. And Pumpkin will love having Mal around. And hopefully she and Mira can help as well, sadly they're use to this kind of thing. And if there is anything else you need let us know we should be around the at least the rest of this week." Georgie told Tessa as her phone went off, "I've got to take this Tess. Get comfortable and if you need me I'll be in the living room." Georgie told Tessa who nods, "Thanks Georgie for everything." Tessa tells Georgie who smiles sadly, "That's what's best friends are for Tessa" Georgie told Tessa before leaving the room and taking the call.

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