An art Diary

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Hey everyone sorry this took forever. I got this request a little over two weeks ago and it literally took me forever to write this, and I didn't finish proof reading because I have a lot to do and very little time so I'm sorry if the grammar is off. Anyways I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

After Georgie leaves she sighs and Tessa looks at her. "What was Georgie talking about?" Tessa asks, as Lily sighs, "Just about how she didn't want me to talk about our childhood much." Lily says as Tessa looks to her in confusion, "Why, doesn't she trust me?" Tessa asks as Lily sighs, this was going to be a hard story to explain and Georgie would kill her later, but oh well she was used to being on Georgie's bad side by now.

 "Of course she trusts you… she just doesn't like burdening people with it, and because she tries to block it out." Lily explains as Tessa still just looked at her in confusion. As Lily groans, "It will be easier to show it to you then to explain it." Lily says going to Georgie's room Tessa just followed her until Lily got to the drawer Georgie always kept locked, Lily knew what was in this drawer. It was Georgie's picture and videos from when they were growing up. Along with a few other things that she treasured when she was younger, she instantly knew the number lock because she had known Georgie her whole life and knew about everything about her.

 "Lily, I don't think you're supposed to go through that drawer. Georgie made it very clear she wanted no one looking in this one." Tessa warns as Lily rolls her eyes. Of course she knew that, but she honestly didn't care, as most of them were shared memories since they live pretty close to each other and had a lot of adventures together.

 "Well she'll have to deal with it. They're my memories too. And I haven't seen some of the things since the day she left Arizona." Lily says as she grabs the turquoise cheetah stuffed animal and throws it on Georgie beds as she finds the painted horse shoe. That Georgie had painted. "Hey Galaxy, help me out and find those DVDs please?" Lily asks her lizard who nods quickly, slipping through the stuff.

"Lily, what are you doing?" Tessa asks in confusion as she knew Georgie was going to be so mad when she got home, and she would have thought her other best friend would have known that, but the other brunette just continued to rifle through the stuff. With her lizard trying not to get smashed. "Lily I really don't feel comfortable with this." Tessa says Lily just rolls her eyes again. 

"Good girl thanks Galaxy" Lily told her Gekko  as she had found Georgie's sketch diary and the DVD of the horse competition they did when they were seventeen. Lily was glad to see it again. Georgie's beautiful sketches always made her day. She just flipped through the drawings before looking at Tessa, "Come on these will explain everything." Lily says walking towards the living room. Tessa follows her although this still felt wrong, her curiosity got the best of her. "When we were younger, Georgie used to want to be an artist so she drew anything and everything that inspired her. She never had a diary, but this is her sketch diary." Lily explains as Tessa nods in interest.

"I didn't know much until we met when we were six. We met at the drive in. My mother worked there, and I was too young to be alone so I had to go to the theater. Georgie was there with her mother and her mom made her come play with the other kids in front of the huge movie screen. Well I saw Ethan who was a mean bully back then. Picking on Georgie and I defended her she was so shy back then." Lily says as she pointed to the horrible looking doodle Georgie had done of them at the drive that day. The photo was labeled in sloppy handwriting as July 2, 2007.

"What about that one? Why are there snakes around both of you?" Tessa questions curiously as she didn't see snakes often. And the picture looked crazy since she had only seen one snake at a time. Lily just chuckles at Tessa's reaction; she must have never lived by the woods or in Arizona. As both Lily and Georgie used to run into snakes all the time, since they explored often, most of their home was in a rural area.

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