Chapter One - New Scars

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Ty's POV (Only him this chapter)

I limped to the kitchen, finding it hard to stand as I reached for the pot. New bruises covered my body and the taste of blood filled my mouth. I hate my father, he does this to me. He abuses me then says it's to "toughen me up." Well, no matter how much you sugar coat it, it's still abuse, and it still hurts. I let the warm tears slowly fall down my face as I turned on the burner and began to boil the water.

The smell of homemade chicken soup quickly filled the kitchen, making my stomach growl. I sighed when my fathers voice rang through the house.

"Hey Faggot!" That's why he beat me, I was gay and I wasn't ashamed to say so. I shuffled out of the kitchen and into the living room, wiping away the tears so he wouldn't see.

"Yes father?" He stood up and you could easily smell the foul stench of alcohol lingering on his breath.

"Hurry up with that food!" He yelled before sitting back down and returning to the TV. I soleumly nodded before making my way back to the kitchen. My phone vibrated while I was waiting for the soup to finish in a couple minutes. "Mitch" my only friend at the school. Anyone who wasn't against gay people was too scared of Ryan, the school bully.

"Hello?" I spoke quietly so my father wouldn't hear.

"Just realived your alive." He calls everyday to make sure I don't die of blood loss, it's really sweet.

"Hey look I-" The beeping of the oven cut him off.

"Sorry go to go. See you at school." I hung up and turned off the timer and burner. I brought my dad a bowl and another can of beer before grabbing myself a bowl and a bottle of water.

I cursed under my breath as I took a bite of the too hot soup. Quickly, I gulped down the water and sighed in relief. I finished my soup and glanced at the bathroom. "No, I can't" I whispered under my breath. I kept looking back over, finally giving up after a few minutes. I went into the bathroom connected to my room and rummaged through the drawer finding my blade after a few minutes.

It was strange how much I loved the pain as the blade moved across my skin. Loved the sting as it first made contact, loved how warm the blood was, and loved the lucious color of red as it slowly went down the sink. I continued until I felt a small pain in my head. I quickly ran the cool water over my new scars, sighing as it relaxed my muscles. I washed the blood down the sink before digging through my medicine cabnet for a wrap.

I wrapped an old bandage around my arm and ignored the dried blood that already covered it.

"Get to bed faggot!" He yelled as the clock stoke 9 p.m. I wanted so much for him to get a taste of his own medicine, but while I was currently too weak, I could do nothing but obey. I crawled under the covers and slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up to my alarms loud beeping, getting dressed I quickly checked my appearence before darting out the door so I didn't have to see my father. I wore black, worn-out Converse and skinny jeans with a white zipped up jacket to hide my arms. The bus seat was uncomfortable as I sat down. Soon, I brushed it off and enjoyed my few minutes of peace before Ryan got on.

"Hey Fag." Oh great...more beating.

He threw me onto the buses hard ground and quickly kicked me in the chest. He landed multiple kicked to my chest until there was a nasty "CRACK!" I tried to catch my breath as he smirked at my now broken rib. My arms wobbled as I tried to stand up and he quickly hit me in the head. I opened my eyes a little and looked up at him.

"Nighty Night." He said with an evil smirk. I heard a few cheers before I finally blacked out.


Hey, real quick I just wanted to say sorry it took too long. I typed it up on google docs and tried to upload it but it didn't work. Only after I typed half of this chapter did someone tell me how to copy and paste on a tablet. Great. Anyway enjoy!

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