Chapter Ten - Ice Cream

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Adam's POV
I groggily opened my eyes and allowed myself to wake up a bit before actually moving. The sunlight shined through the black curtains, lighting up the room brightly. I turned over and almost fell off the bed when I saw Ty next to me. He slept with a slight frown and shifted around. I sat up and stretched, occasionally looking over at the sleeping figure to make sure he was alright. Eventally, I took advantage of him sleeping and took the first shower so I could get the warm water. If he was even gonna take a shower that is.

I was glad I was able to take showers. You would think I would spark or something but Mr.Dahlberg said that would only happen if it got inside my limbs. I had little compartments on most of my body parts so if I opened one of them I'd shut down with little chance of waking up. Trust me, I wasn't opening any of those under water anytime soon. Another reason I was water proof is because I'd really suck to just completly break down on the sidewalk if it rained. While I couldn't technically smell bad I loved the feeling of the water and the way it made my hair smell nice.

I was too lazy to bring my clothes for today so I changed back into what I slept in so I could go grab clothes. I went into my room and began shuffling through my drawers. Once I pulled out my outfit I saw Ty shoot up in bed.
"Hey sleep w- Ty are you okay?" I was suprised to see his eyes red and watering. He shook his head causing me to drop my clothes on the ground and walk over to the bed.
"What happened?"

He descriped his nightmare to me, nearly making me faint. It was exactly like my nightmare but with me dying and Ty coming in to see my bloddy body.
"I-I thought it w-was real. I t-thought you were d-dead." He had to choke out the last word. I felt him bury his head into my chest as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I let him sob into my shirt and make it damp with his tears. Suddenly I was glad I was too I lazy to bring something new to wear. He pulled away after a few minutes and rubbed his eyes.
"S-Sorry." I pet his soft hair as he sniffed.

Sad thing was, I knew how he felt. Of course I couldn't cry, or honesty blush either. I checked the bed side clock and smiled at the time. 10:42, I was actually glad we slept in.
"Ty go get ready. I'm taking you out."
"Adam, I never agreed to a date." He quickly went from sad to his normal funny self as he smirked even though his eyes were still red and tears still stained his cheeks.
"Pssh, Is not a date. Your going though." I could see his smile falter a little before he straightened.

"Fine. Where are you taking me?" I shook my head and clicked my tounge.
"That's a secret. You got a hour by the way."
"Jeez Adam! How long do you think it takes me to get ready?"
"I don't know but this isn't school. Look nice." I picked up my clothes. As I was leaving I turned around to face him in the door way.

"If you don't have anything, you can steal some of my clothes." I closed the door and turned to go to the bathroom.
"And by nice, I don't mean wear a flipping tux!" I yelled before going down the stairs. As I was about to turn to go down the hallway Mr.Dahlberg stopped me.
"Going somewhere?" I shrugged.
"I'm taking Ty out for lunch if that's okay." I kept my voice down so Ty couldn't hear. He nodded and went back down into the basement. He's been trapped down there since he was told to make another robot. I waited till the lock clicked on the door before going to get ready myself.

Ty's POV
I liked the thought of going on a date, I almost sighed when he said it wasn't. Either way I was going. I rummaged through Adam's closet, knowing I had nothing to wear myself. I pulled out a baggy gray sweater and wore some of my own skinny jeans. I slipped on my beat up sneakers before deciding to straighten my hair. I was pretty straight alreay but he gave me an hour, I had to do something in that time right? I stole a gray beanie that matched my sweater and slipped it on before going out.

Adam flipped through the channels, only noticing me when the stairs creaked. He kept his head in his hand as he smiled up at me.
"Ready to go?" I nodded and followed him to the door way where he grabbed keys and a jacket.
"We're leaving now!" Adam called out to I assume Mr.Dahlberg. I heard a faint 'Okay' as we closed and locked the door behind us.
"Will you tell me where we are going now?" He shook his head stubbornly as he opened the car door for me. He wrapped a scarf around my head when he sat down in his seat.

The car ride was filled with music as we made our way to wherever it was we were going. I was almost blinded when he took off the scarf. He said nothing as my eyes adjusted to the harsh sunlight. The sight of the building made me slowly cry.
"Dislike McDonald that much?" He asked sadly. I sniffed and wipped my face.
"No it just brings back memories of when my mom was alive." He hugged me, which didn't suprise me since we did it so much.
"We don't have to go in if you don't want to."

I shook my head and wipped my face, making it look like I didn't cry.
"Let's go." He took my hand and helped me up before letting go, making me a little sad.
"Do you want ice cream?" I nodded eargerly like a toddler. He giggled before taking my hand again.
"Come on then." He dragged me in and waited in line, our hands still linked.

Sorry it took me a bit. I was gonna update Friday and do a daily update all week like I said but we had a dance. I was gonna do it the next day but just got lazy. I'm only updating it now because my friend yelled at me, she is probably the only one who reads my story. So...I'm talking to myself...Yay... By the way if Adam says things like 'dis' instead of 'this' it's on purpose. Anywho.
Bai and Don't forget to leave a:

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